from Keli Kunja Kumari dasi – USA, ISV Community in California
Dearest Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!
I’m feeling so blessed that I get to celebrate one more birthday with you Srila Gurudeva. In fact I feel blessed every day that I get to walk on the same planet you do, breathe the same air as you and am only a flight away from you at all times. My prayer is that this may always be so – Iife after life I may always be in your service, breathing your air and walking the ground you walk on.
No amount of words can convey the deep love and gratitude I have for you my dear gurudev. You are my guiding light. Your love has been a force of wonder in my life. It has pushed me to be the best person I could be, softened every blow that has come my way and lit up my world day after day.
Presenting you with a box of cupcakes 6 years ago was the single most wonderful thing I have ever done. It has brought all auspiciousness into my life. I am praying on the occasion of your vyasa puja that we may celebrate your birthday with you for many years to come and that you may always stay happy, healthy and in service of our lord.
With so much love,
Keli-kunja-kumari dasi