
From bhaktin Radha – Mauritius

Dear Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you on this auspicious day of your VyasaPuja. I offer my obesiences towards you again and again.
On this very auspicious day I would like to thank you for all the mercy you have bestowed upon me by accepting me as your aspiring disciple. I take this great opportunity to glorify you for your Vyasa Puja for my own purification and pleasure.
I was praying to Srimati Radharani that I want to get your darshan and more association from you. As, an answer of my prayer Srimati Radharani gave me an wonderful opportunity to see you that was the Jaipur parikarma. I was really grateful to be able to participate in Jaipur Parikarma 2022 and got a lot of association from you and your wonderful disciples. I still remember the first time I met you in Sri Vrindavan Dham you told me to read the diary of travel. Since this day, by your divine grace I’m trying to read it daily. Your life which we read through your diary is really making us understand the austerities you are undergoing at evey step to serve Srila Prabhupada.
On this most auspicious day of your merciful appearance I repeatedly thank you for giving us the unmatched jewel of your association in the form of your diary.
I’m praying to Lord Krishna and Srila prabhupada to always keep you in good health so that you can continously preach the message of the Supreme Personality of Godhead to innumerable fallen souls like me. I pray that you will continue to bless me with the desire to chant the Holy names and I can have more of your association and instructions.
In this age of kail, you are tirelessly preaching all over the world and inspiring thousands and thousands of souls to follow the mission of Sri Caityana Mahaprabhu and his instructions of the Holy name. You are such a good example for teaching Sri Caityana Mahaprabhu mission all over the world.
I wish you the most wonderful VyasaPuja celebration and hope that someday I will be in your personal association to celebrate this day and get the nectar of your association. Thank you so much Maharaja for accepting my offering.
Hare krsna.
Your servant, Radha.