
From Shyamalika Sevika devi dasi

Dear Srila Gurudev, please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to you, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.
On this auspicious day of you Vyasa-puja, I would like to express a few words of gratitude, although in fact no words would be enough to thank you for all the mercy you gave me.
To you are my obeisances
In the dust of your lotus feet.
With folded hands I’m simply standing,
Eagerly waiting you to greet.
You dedicated your entire life
To the mission of your master.
And by preaching you’re helping you
To Lord’s abode achieve much faster.
You know exactly what’s in heart
Of to you surrendered souls.
You always land your gracious hand,
Helping you to achieve the proper goals.
The extatic kirtans that you sing,
And the classes that you give,
They get deep down to the heart
Letting us continue to live.
I want to thank you Gurudev,
For giving me your shelter.
I pray to always serve your lotus feet,
Becoming just a little better.
I wholeheartedly wish you a very happy Vyasa-puja, Gurudev.
– trying to be the servant of your servants,
Shyamalika Sevika devi dasi.