
From Sri Kunda-Valli Sakhi – Australia, Melbourne

Dearest Gurudev,
Happiest Birthday to you today. Such a glorious day for such a glorious and wonderful person.
This year has been an intense year for me where I’ve gone through some difficult stages of my life but through your mercy I’ve continued to carry on. My sadhana has been tested in many ways and I know I’ve come out stronger than ever. I am slowly understanding that being initiated is not easy and it doesn’t get easier. It is a constant reminder that we need to constantly be surrendering to krishna. Thankyou for always holding on to me dear gurudev even when I feel I am breaking apart. Thankyou for teaching me how to love each individual so selflessly like you do. You inspire us with your love and compassion you have for each soul. I don’t think I have ever met any other person who is so kind, loving and so effulgent in my life. You truly are an example of what it means to live a life serving others. There has been times when I have missed you dearly this year, and deeply prayed I can see you and in those times your WhatsApp messages with the Vrindavan lectures have saved my life.

Last year I went to Vrindavan and unfortunately missed out on seeing you as you were in America. This made me feel deeply sad and I was thinking to myself why am I not able to see you. However through your mercy some how arrangements were made that one of your disciples took me to your house. This was my first time visiting your house and I was so fortunate to take darshan of your deities and shaligram sheelas. Not only this, but I got mahaprassad and this made me realise that you are always present. Whether this is through your disciples or words or your deities, you are present. I reflect on this constantly whenever I feel low or disconnected from you. Thankyou dear gurudev for everything. My heart is always in Vrindavan and I pray deeply that I can go this year and continue to serve you some how.

Your servant,

Sri Kunda-Valli Sakhi.