
From Sri Ram das – UK, Milton Keynes

Dear Srila Gurudeva.
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Your Divine Grace.
We wish you a very happy Vyasa Puja 2023! We are so fortunate time and time again Sri Sri Radha Krishna by the grace and mercy of Srila Prabhupada allows us to wish and glorify such a truly wonderful and highly exalted devotee like Yourself. So blessed we are to have You as our Spiritual Master. Shidhil and Dhiyanshi are always glorifying You by singing Jaya Jaya Gurudeva!
hank you so much for always inspiring us through Your deity worship especially of Your Nrsimha Dev deities and shalagram sila. So much that we desired to worship Nrsimha Dev and Prahlad Maharaja at home. We bought a Nrsimha Dev & Prahlad Maharaja deity from the Bhaktivedanta Manor gift shop. After coming home we sang kirtan and Nrsimha prayers kindly requesting the Lord to reside in the deity and allow us to serve Him. The kids continuously sing the Nrsimha prayers (as best as they can) and especially Shidhil (soon going to be 6 years on 24th May) is very keen to learn and sing the Nrsimha prayers!
Thank you thank you so so much for showering us with Your mercy, blessings and grace. We pray we forever remain in Your service. We wish you a truly pleasant and remarkable day!
Your servants, Sri Ram das & family