
From Asta Sakhi lila devi dasi – Hungary

Dearest Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you. On your most auspicious Vyasa-puja day, let me honor you by quoting one of our favorite verses.

tvaṁ naḥ sandarśito dhātrā
dustaraṁ nistitīrṣatām
kaliṁ sattva-haraṁ puṁsāṁ
karṇa-dhāra ivārṇavam

„We think that we have met your Goodness by the will of providence, just so that we may accept you as captain of the ship for those who desire to cross the difficult ocean of Kali, which deteriorates all the good qualities of a human being.”
Srila Gurudeva, I think this one verse encapsulates the essence of our spiritual life perfectly. Some envision this journey to be a great adventure, while others are afraid of the unknown that lies ahead along the journey. Nevertheless, everyone packs up their belongings, and purchase their tickets.
Some only brings along the bare necessities, but some arrives with huge luggage. Some things are required to be left behind, but you are kind and lenient regarding the various types of luggage passengers carry, knowing well that in due course, they will themselves let the unnecessary things go.
This ship is a very special ship. Mainly because you are its captain, Srila Gurudeva. You are famous for inviting everyone on board and once they are there, you guarantee that they reach the destination – going back Home, back to Goloka Vrindavan, no matter how long the journey takes.
Truth is, these ships back to Goloka, headed by stalwart captains, have been crossing back and forth since time immemorial. We, passengers, think that these ships begin their journey because of and with us, but when we board them, we are surprised to notice that all the cabins are full. Yet, in a mysterious way, there is always room for new passengers. And everything seems so familiar – have we been here before?
The mood onboard is pleasant, everyone feels safe on the ship. There is nothing you, as the watchful captain, wouldn’t be aware of. Of course, your crew is also well-trained and devoted, and they try to relieve you of some of the burden. Because yes, there are burden: the ocean itself we need to cross, keeps whipping up huge waves, and only you are qualified to steer the ship to the right direction under such circumstances. The weather is often stormy, it could easily break the ship apart. Countless captains have fallen during the previous centuries, but you follow Srila Prabhupada’s North Star that brightly shines forever. Unfortunately, many just can’t let their luggage go. It sort of grew onto them, but this means they need to carry an extra weight during the journey. Others constantly worry that they have
left something important behind they might need later. And there are yet others that are lured first out of their safe cabins onto the deck by the singing of the Sirens. Unfortunately, these momentary daymares have already lured many back into the ocean.
And what is the safety protocol onboard if there is man in the water? This is also very peculiar: the captain himself jumps after the drowning man! He doesn’t wait for the crew to go first. He himself is a most qualified lifeguard, who won’t hesitate for a moment in times of need. He vowed to take the passenger to the destination. But sometimes the drowning man gets carried far by the waves. So, what does the captain do then? He will still do everything possible to bring the drowning man back to safety, but if for some reason this can’t be done, the captain himself feels depressed because he loves every
single passenger and feels full responsibility for them. And at this moment he takes yet another vow, the vow to return for that lost passenger.
While this ship stops at several stops along the way, often the new passengers are the ones that have been re-rescued from the ocean. Srila Gurudeva, I wonder how many times you have had to re-rescue me and how many times you have had to return for me to pull me back onboard again and again? How many lifetimes have I wasted in the ocean forgetting that I have already purchased my ticket back Home?
Srila Gurudeva, one day I, just like my beloved, devoted Godbrothers and Sisters do, would also like to become a faithful and trustworthy member of your crew who can understand your desires from a motion of your hands, or a half sentence. One who sails with you life after life to assist you in fulfilling your promise to Srila Prabhupada.
Your insignificant servant,
Asta Sakhi lila devi dasi