
From Bhaktin Veronika Valovics – Hungary

Hare Krishna Dear Indradyumna Swāmi Mahārāja,
Please accept my most humble obeisances.
All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.
All glories to your lotus feet on the auspicious day of your appearance.
Please accept my apology for being unqualified to write Vyasa-puja offering to you. Such an eventful year went by so quickly since your last year’s appearance day celebration. I was truly mesmerized by participating in such a glorious event in Radhe-Syam company in Hungary. I felt extremely privileged and excited to offer some service alongside your disciples to welcome you. I was also very fortunate to have the to make garlands for your precious deities during your stay. What a remarkable celebration to meet you in person, sharing your light and nectar of your adored words.
Shortly after the Hungarian Yatra was being blessed again to have you and your ‘Polish tour team’. You sacrificed and put so much energy out there to make the Polish festivals successful to satisfy your spiritual master, Śrīla Prabhupāda. God bless you, you are great inspiration for all of us. I recall that I was so worried when I heard about your health condition, and I prayed for you to recover quickly. Luckily you had strength, and you received much mercy from the Good Lord so you became invincible.
From Krishna incomprehensible layout just before you all departed from Hungary I remember clearly that rainy early morning in front of the Budapest temple. I approached you in the very last minute and personally I handed over to you my introduction letter. You looked at the envelop and read my name on it out loud. Something magnificent had happened and I felt the warmth of your love and feeling of oneness.
Śrīla Prabhupāda wrote:
According to their karma, all living entities are wondering throughout the entire universe. Some of them are being elevated to upper planetary systems, and some are going down into the lower planetary systems. Out of many millions of wondering living entities, one who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master by the grace of Krishna. By the grace of both Krisna and the spiritual master such a person receives the seed of the creeper of devotional service.”
“[Quote from CC.Madhya 19.151] Before long, my email account became the most valuable thing since I received your personal note that you accepted me as your aspiring disciple. It made me really happy to join your special transcendental family of godbrothers and godsisters. However, I still feel unqualified to look after properly the “seed”, I could just wish one day I will be worthy of it by your mercy.” As you instructed me, I am following your guidelines as chanting the holy name, constantly studying Śrīla Prabhupāda’s books and keep watching and hearing from you around the world.” As I am writing this offering to you, I am on a therapy of healing mentally and physically due to personal issues, so I could not associate with devotees as much nowadays. I will do my best to be back on my feet in the “right shoes” as soon as possible.”
Dear Indradyumna Swāmi Mahārāja, I pray for you to keep going enthusiastically and to having
good health. Wishing you much more festivals, gatherings, ongoing series of lectures, ecstatic
kirtans and so on…”Please let me finish with this excellent quote from your recent San Jose’s lecture, which touched me deeply:
“One time Prabhupāda was walking on the beach with devotees. The waves were breaking.
Prabhupāda turn to the devotees and he said:”

-What is that sound? “
and the devotees said:

-Prabhupāda that is the sound of the waves pounding on the beach.
and Prabhupāda said:

-No! That’s the sound of the gopis’s heartbeats when they miss Krishna.

Wishing you endless waves in the ocean on your special appearance day Dear Śrīla Gurudeva.
Your insignificant servant,
Bhaktin Veronika Valovics