
From Kesava Candra dasa – Hungary

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to your already glorious appearance day.
Let me humbly attempt to convey my gratitude for having been initiated to the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya, despite being rather unworthy for such an honor, and moreover for the fact that this happened through you. I have proper shelter in your words, conducts and personality, an effective link to founder acharya Srila Prabhupada and his preceptors and ultimately the Supreme Lord Krishna and His eternal companion Srimati Radharani. Something I can even be proud of – there is not much else here that is worthy of being proud of, but these facts are. Sometimes I can even remember that my name ends with „dasa”, a fact yet waiting for being properly understood by me. One day, by your causeless mercy, I might be able to realize what this actually means.
Beyond the scope of Vyasa-puja being the day to honor one’s spiritual master and his transcendental glories, it also functions as a birthday, and thus it is customary to offer good wishes for the one having the birthday – so I would like to wish that your plans of pleasing Krishna, your own spiritual master and all the saints, as well as helping the fallen and conditional souls drowning in the ocean of material existence, may come into full fruition.
Hare Krishna.
Your unworthy servant,
Kesava Candra dasa