From Madhuri Sri dasi – Hungary
Dearest Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you.
On your appearance day all your disciples all around the world glorify you with special attention. Your glories however are limitless, so not only one day but an entire year would be too short to express all your glories. Too short, because your every day is glorious. Each and every day you create something everlasting, every day you teach us about the meaning of life, give support and guidance for difficult times, inspire us in our daily devotional practices. You do all this in various roles, as a perfect gentleman, a spiritual master, a disciple, a friend, ever well-wisher and in many other transcendental roles. With your shelter, you are able to dissipate the effects of the modes on material nature, increase spiritual desires, provide answers to those praying, seeking guidance on the path, help knowledge ripen into realization, give a glimpse into the magic of the spiritual world and its happiness. Even one of these is rare in this material world, so finding a person who possesses just one of these qualities is very fortunate. As your disciple I consider myself the most fortunate, as you, Srila Gurudeva, possess not only one but so many values, even more than those mentioned above – these are difficult to express in words, and only happiness and tears of gratitude are able to come close, and often those are also insufficient.
In Caitanya Caritamrita Ádi-lila,chapter 14, text 1 we read:
‘Things that are very difficult to do become easy to execute if one somehow or other simply remembers Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. But if one does not remember Him, even easy things become very difficult.’
Srila Gurudeva, you’re such a pure representative of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, that being under your shelter, meditating on you, even those things that seem impossible become simple, clear, applicable and easy. As if you’re giving almost palpable background wind in situations when it’s clear that one wouldn’t be able to manage on her own. Following you, praying to you, the real silhouette and the details of the real world becomes increasing clear behind the surface of the dusty mirror. Through the expression of your unlimited love towards the devotees, your loving commitment towards the people (so that you can plant the seed of bhakti in their hearts), your personal example of living a simple life, with your minutely enchanting yet deeply profound classes day after day you magically cleanse my mirror that has been
collecting dust for lifetimes.
I’m so very grateful to you! Bowing at your lotus feet again and again I give thanks that you gave me shelter and accepted me as your disciple. Please always keep me in the service of your lotus feet so one day I might be able to reciprocate to at least one drop of the ocean of mercy you bestowed upon me.
With grateful heart, I remain your insignificant servant,
Madhuri Sri dasi
Srila Gurudeva ki jaya!