
from Nandisvara das – Croatia, Zagreb

Dear Srila Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisance at the dust of your lotus feet.
All glories to the Srila Prabhupada.

I’m so grateful to you and Srila Prabhupada, that we get opportunity to glorify such a exalted personality as you are. In some previous times we thought that in due course of time , it would be naturally that we follow your footsteps by traveling and preaching around, making festivals, making devotees and be blissful.
But, we find out that even in small amount, small dose of it, that’s a task which requires tremendous energy and constant enthusiasm. For just a small dose of it.
What to say about being fully engaged, throughout a whole year, for so many decades, inspiring many tens of thousands of jivas, to dedicated themselves to the path of lord Chaitanya and Krishna consciousness. That’s the achievement of demigods, because so much energy and dedication to the goal and mission is not possible for most of the human beings.
But, it’s possible only, for someone specially empowered by Srila Prabhupada and Lord Gouranga.
All we can do is to beg your blessings to get some small part of that , so we can also give some Krishna consciousness to the others and to proceed what we got to next generations.

Now , after getting so many years of life over our back, it’s possible to see how this life, how time and years are going so fast by us. Nature of this material world is showing its ugly faces. So much troubles, so much sufferings can come just around a corner. But worst of them is seeing some so called devotees getting in criticizing you and all of your godbrathers. Was trying to defend you. But it’s much easier to debate with atheists and christians , than with so called devotees which knows some part of our philosophy.
We are in material world, and in worst part of it , in Kali Yuga. Nearly nothing else can surprise us anymore.
Great souls like you are can tolerate so many obstacles and troubles of this world. All we can do is to pray for blessing of your, so that we can come under the shelter of your lotus feet, feet of Srila Prabhupada and Sri Mahaprabhu and Nityananda feet.

Daso smi
Nandisvara das