
from Raja Hamsa Dasa – Hungary

Dearest Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

On the occasion of your vyasa-puja I’d like to express my gratitude for all the immense effort that you’re making for me.

How many times have I witnessed your example, how many classes and kirtans have I attended? And these are only what I was able to witness with my own eyes; these memories are my precious treasures. How many more treasures are there from where these came from? How could I possibly express my gratitude to you for constantly bestowing these treasures on me?
Sometimes I wonder, is it enough that I serve in the mission of prasad distribution of your beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada? Where I started from and where I am now, is it enough or could I do more? I’m sure I could do more but sometimes I’m tormented by doubts, am I strong enough, will I be able to cope? These times, I think of you and find inspiration in you, offer my service to you, and throw myself right into it.
You have saved my life and gave me shelter. My only shelter is my service dedicated to you; this is my only safe place. You brought me here and you’re keeping me here. It’s only because of you that, even if in small ways, I can help people connect with Kṛṣṇa. As I observe what’s going on in the world and the people, I can see that everyone and everything is heading in the same direction as their predecessors. I’m extremely fortunate to have met you and that you rewrote the script of my life, just like you do for everyone you meet. I’m indebted to you eternally, which is the greatest blessing, because this way we’re forever connected. Although I know that I can never fully repay this dept, I’ll still try to pay some of it off bit by bit, life after life.

Your servant,

Raja Hamsa Dasa