
from Ranga devi dasi – South Africa, Durban

Aum ajnana timirandhasya
Jnananjana salakaya, caksur
Unmilitam tens, tasmai Sri guruve namah.

My dearest Srila gurudeva please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you on this most auspicious day.

It’s stated in SB 1.13.10
Bhavad vidha bhagavatas
Tirtha bhutah svayam video
Tirtha kurvanti tirthani
Santa sthena gadabhrta

My Lord, devotees like your good self are verily holy places personified. Because you carry the Supreme Personality of Godhead within your heart, you turn all places into places of pilgrimage.

That place where you are forever present, is in the core of my heart, surely you can turn my heart into Vrindavan dham.
Thank you for taking us with you wherever you go by posting pics on your Facebook page and other social media sites. Although you are far away from us, you are also very close, in the palms of our hands via the phone or in the core of our hearts by our love for you.

Also it is stated in Bhagavatam that the Ganga can purify after prolonged use but you Srila gurudeva can purify the entire universe with your sacred words your sacred steps, your sacred glance and chanting the sacred holy names.
Recently you were in Hrishikes, near the Ganga, chanting and attracting persons who are in search of the Absolute reality. Surely, Lord Caitanya is pleased with your preaching.

There are many amazing kirtans that stand out in my mind. Once when I was newly initiated and accompanied you to Pretoria temple. Your kirtan was so amazing that I did not want it to end. I also received your foot mercy on that occasion.
We danced and danced and danced our hearts out.
The other was at Sanatan Goswami’s samadhi whilst on parikram in Vrindavan. I cannot forget these precious moments, it seemed like eternity. We could feel the presence of the Krsna and his associates.

How can I forget the heart rendering, ecstatic, vibrant kirtans at Woodstock and the Baltic coast. Ratha yatras, sadhu Sanga, kirtans melas, nama ruci, you may have done over ten thousand kirtans this far.
Chanting the holy names and inspiring others to chant, it’s because you relish such nectarine taste for the holy names.
SB 1.1.14
Appanah samsrtim ghoram
Yan nama vivaso grnan
Total sad you vimucyeta
Yad bibheti svayam bhayam

Living beings who are entangled in the complicated meshes of birth and death can be freed immediately by even unconsciously chanting the holy name of Krsna, which is feared by fear personified.

Your inspirational classes that you presented and continue to do so, online or otherwise.
This is what attracts me personally to your lotus feet.
Your level of elevation is what I aspire for.

I miss your vapu, it’s been three long years that we haven’t had your association but your vani is ever present in my heart and mind.
You divert our consciousness to the lotus feet of the divine couple and you keep doing so with those amazing classes, “Stimulation for ecstatic love”.
This is the meaning of guru one who constantly reminds the disciples of the Absolute Truth.

This is how we make progress as our minds always wander to other things. We need to constantly remember Krsna and His pastimes.

Dearest Srila gurudeva it is very difficult to have thousands if disciples around the world and to keep each one of us happy. By your online classes we not only have the opportunity to take your darshan but also listen to your invaluable instructions.

Your instructions should be the heart and soul of the disciples. We didn’t get the opportunity to meet Srila Prabhupada, but we have the good fortune of meeting Srila gurudeva who had personal association with Srila Prabhupada.

I’m ever so grateful for all that you do to assist us and help Srila Prabhupada to push on the movement and attract other fallen souls to join the Lord in His eternal abode.

I’m trying to follow in your footsteps. Here’s my report card for year. I manage to go out on book distribution once a month, harinama once a week or when I’m free, outreach program once a month, three online classes comprising of Bhakti Shastri, Bhakti Vaibhava, and Sad acar on a weekly basis. Nama hatta classes once or twice a week.
I hope to please you with my little attempt. Srila gurudeva, you are my greatest inspiration.

Thank you Srila gurudeva, please continue to be merciful to me. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Your daughter
Ranga devi dasi
Durban, RSA