From Kunja Priya Devi Dasi – India, Bengaluru
Hare Krishna.
Dear respected Srila Gurudev,
Please accept my humblest obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you. All glories to all vaishnava devotees of the Lord.
I am so happy to be writing this epistle to you. I pray on the special day of your vyasa pooja Lord Sri Nrsimha, Radha Damodara to bestow you with good health. Born in this material world, being a conditioned soul, being in the clutches of maya, forgetting my super father –The Supreme Personality of Godhead ,I was leading an abominable life. Thanks to Lord Krishna and other vaishnava devotees as well as your disciples who showed me a torch light and enlightened me to transform myself to a devotee like them and take shelter of a holy Guru like you. I consider 31st October, 2022, the day of my initiation in to Krishna Consciousness by you as a land mark day in my life of 70 years.Krishna will never come in his four armed form to bless his devotees. He always comes in the form of holy, perfect , devoted Gurus like you. Thus you represent Lord Krishna to me.
Every day I pray you to bless me with Krishna Prem, advance in my devotional service, improve my quality of chanting and give me shelter under your lotus feet. I chant your pranati mantra and place an yellow chrysanthemum every day on your photo in my altar since yellow is your favourite colour. I am sure you hear my prayers every day due to your transcendental power. I beseech you to bless me, dasanu dasi to come out of the clutches of Maya and advance in my Bhakti and love to lord Krishna. I love to watch your kirtans, listen to your story telling, talks on stimulation for ecstatic love etc. I love to read your travelling diaries and watch videos which enhance my love for the holy name.
I am very happy Lord Krishna bestowed you to me as my Guru for my spiritual journey and lead me on the path to ultimate “back home”back to Godhead. My only regret is I cannot have your darshan frequently. But the one meeting I had with you at Sri Nrsimha Giridhari Temple, Bengaluru is memorable . It was so divine. I may say, it was an out of the world experience.
I have been chanting 16 rounds of the maha mantra in the bramhi muhurtha most of the days. I never carry it for later in the day. Strictly following the regulatory principles. Offer bhog to the Lord, do arti, observe ekadashi, listen to lectures by senior devotees, read scriptures(which I admit is not very frequent). I know I am still on the first step and need your blessings and mercy for higher levels of devotion.
Once again I offer my humblest obeisances to you and pray you to bless my advancement in my spiritual life and bring me closer to Lord Krishna. I am full of hopes I will meet you again in my life. I am wallowing in nescience and need lot of guidance. If I have written any thing wrong please pardon me and shower me with your mercy. I am trying to be as sincere as I can be.
My husband too sends his pranams and humblest obiesances to you.
With dandavat pranams and dandavat pranams
Your dasanu dasi, Kunja priya Devi Dasi