
From bhaktin Elena Koziy – Crimea, Yalta

Hare Krishna!

Accept my most humble obeisances, dear Guru Maharaja. Also my obeisances to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and the whole parampara of great teachers.

I want to thank You from the bottom of my heart for the great mercy, that I received, to see You at the Sadhu Sanga Russian Festival 2019 and to understand that in my life’s journey I met a lost Guru. I was happy that You were found and I can bow my head to Your lotus feet.

At the right time the pranama-mantra opened and there was hope eventually to become Your disciple. And the most important that I immediately gain my big friendly family of spiritual brothers and sisters, whom I had been looking for all my life.

Thank You for the amazing knowledge and experience that You possess and generously share with all of us.

I apologize that I listen to lectures irregularly, only sometimes I read lecture
notes that Your disciples shared. I give my word that I will devote more time to this.

I really hope that soon I will have an opportunity to meet You and take part in serving You and everyone, who is dear to You.

With respect and love, Your servant, bhaktin Elena