
From Madhavi Lata Dasi – Hungary, Somogyvámos

Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada! Happy birthday most loving Gurudeva! On this day every year I absorb myself in hearing about you and listening to your words of wisdom and pure nectar. Even though on your birthday generally it is meant for me to be able to give you a gift and reciprocate for everything you do for me I find that actually you are giving me the greater gift, through serving the devotees and hearing from you the whole day I am constantly thinking of you and Krsna. You’re recounts of the transcendental pastimes of Vrindavan, your sweet melodic voice and your compassionate words purifies some of the thick dust in my heart, illuminating me to my real purpose in life. Thank you for giving this priceless gift on this most auspicious of days!

You once said in your lecture that you pray for an eternity of service to Srila Prabhupada, and that even if he’s in hell preaching there’s nowhere you would rather be! I pray everyday to have a fragment of your dedication and sincerity!
You teach the perfect example of the relationship between master and disciple! When I hear your kirtans you give me the deepest fulfillment and happiness and I feel enthusiastic and aching desire to serve in this wonderful mission of Krsna Consciousness. I pray that this aching desire to serve transforms from temporary enthusiasm to a consistent dedication. Dear Gurudeva you are the embodiment of consistency and dedication in every aspect. Your compassionate nature affects and forever will, generations of devotees in the whole world. I have seen the proof of this with my own eyes!

Dear Gurudeva I would like to cite a song from Bhaktivinoda Thakur that is very dear to my heart. When I first heard this prayer I immediately thought of you and it became my meditation and reminder of how I should think, live and serve. Bhaktivinoda Thakur’s words resonated with me and whenever I sing this prayer or recite it, my mind is fully absorbed of thinking of you. Therefore it is my favorite prayer. I pray that one day I may express myself in such a poetic way!

“Gurudeva! Buy a drop off your mercy make the servant of yours more humble than a blade of grass. Give me the strength to bear all trials and troubles and free me from all desires for personal honor. Oh lord and master! Invest me with the power to properly honor all living beings. Only then will I sing the holy name in great ecstasy and will all my offenses cease. Oh lord and master! when will this devotee be blessed by obtaining your mercy? I am low, fallen and devoid of all strength and intelligence. Please make me your beloved servant. When I examine myself, I find nothing of value. Your mercy is therefore essential to me. If you are not merciful I will constantly weep and I will not maintain my life any longer.” [Gurudeva (from Saranagati), Bhaktivinoda Thakur].

Your servant,
Madhavi Lata Dasi (Titi)