
From Syama Rasa Das – Chile, Santiago

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to our Founder Аcarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!

The words are meaningless compared what the heart has to say, every year it’s a challenge to find the proper words to describe all Your glories and activities, there are no words or concepts able to represent all the things that You have done on behalf of Srila Prabhupada. Certainly, we are lucky persons to be witnesses of Your glories in this world, perhaps my lack of qualities and qualifications make me brain tightened and my heart hard like a stone.

However, the appearance day of the spiritual master is the most important day in the disciple’s life. Your Vyasa Puja is the chance to renew the vows and beg for Your mercy. When I watch Your videos and classes sometimes it could be hard to understand Your potency and Your dedication to Srila Prabhupada, but without hesitation I can understand that You are completely surrendered to Srila Prabhupada’s lotus feet in the same way that Srila Prabhupada is surrendered to his spiritual master Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati.

Sometimes it’s difficult to carry on with the feeling of separation from You,
the distance and the time are increasing every moment but I can reduce those feelings hearing Your classes, watching Your pictures and chanting our maha- mantra rounds, once You told us in a letter to my spiritual godbrothers in Chile that our connection is based on the chanting of the holy names, so I am trying to keep us connected every day through the holy name, I am totally aware that my return ticket to You is to increase my faith in the holy names and avoid the offenses to Vaisnavas. Also I can recall You mentioned at the Vyasa Puja class in Hungary that the most important feature to be developed by disciples it is the Guru-nistha it is translated as the steady faith in the spiritual master, believe me that this feature has been my support to stand all the tests on the path of the devotional service.

Dhruva maharaj explains in the Srimad Bhagavatam [4.8.44] that we should meditate on the caitya-guru who is Krsna himself and Krsna helps us through the external manifestation of the guru. So I meditate on You as the ambassador of the holy land of Vrindavan, You are always taking us there even we are so far from there, Your preaching and activities are teaching us about the importance of the Holy Dham.

I hope one day to offer something really worthy to Your lotus feet instead of offering only excuses and offenses. I hope You can continue spreading Sri Caitanya’s message around the world as the ambassador of the Holy Dham.

Your eternal and fallen servant, Always Yours, Syama Rasa Das