
From Vamsidas Kishor Das – China, Beijing

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisance, all glories to Srila Prabhupada. Due to the Pandemic, we are able to fully immersed in your transcendental teachings. Thank you so much for this mercy.

I have never forgot your instruction, to make more Chinese to become devotees. I don’t have any qualification and capacity, the only thing I can do is to persistently pray to you and Srila Prabhupada to shelter me to fulfill this instruction.

Last year, when we heard of your surgery we were in great anxiety, and in some ways I felt guilty. I thought that you had fallen ill because of me. I was told it’s not good to mix milk and salt together, however, the soup I made for you when you were in China was cooked with milk and salt. This worried me for long time.

When you were in China, you instructed me to train brahmacari and male devotees, I am putting my effort to follow this instruction.
For the upcoming Vyasa Puja, please allow me to pray for you to be healthy,
peaceful and happy.

Your eternal servant, Vamsidas Kishor Das