2024-offerings-public,  Uncategorized

From bhaktin Helena Sakharova – Russia, Dzerzhinsk

Hare Krishna, dear Shrila Gurudeva! Accept please my humble obeisances in dust of Your lotus feet. All glories to Shrila Prabhupada!
Shrila Gurudeva, how can I help you  in your serving to Shrila Prabhupada? 
Thank You for Rishikesh kirtan fest 2024!!!That was amazing, even online seeing !!! 
Thank You for your big heart for your disciples and all people the world! 
I hope You feel good. 
I try to chant 16 rounds attentively every day, study at Bhaktivedanta Academy ob 3d course in Mayapur online. I hope to be Your disciple in this year, by Your grace. I am happy. I try to be good devotee in Krishna consciousness, well qualified, thanks to You! 

Best wishes, Helena Sakharova