From Jayasri Rasarani dasi – Bulgaria, Varna
My dearest Srila Gurudev! Please, accept my humble obeisances on to Your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to You!
I congratulate You with Your divine appearance day to this world to kindly extend Your hand to me and many many others people to save from material existence, I’m so grateful to You!
I often admire how You enthusiastically serve to Srila Prabhupada, never get tired, always focused on His lotus feet, always in fully Krishna consciousness. I admire how much patience, kindness and compassion You have for others. I would like to have at least a drop of Your qualities, You are my most important role model.
Thank You for accepting me as Your spiritual daughter, You are always in my heart.
Thank You for giving my newborn daughter a beautiful name – Yamuna Sevani dasi. She turned one year old on April 5th. When she sees Lord Krishna’s picture she often raises her hands up and says “Jaai”. Giving birth to a child during 30 hours was the most terrible suffering I have experienced in my life. I don’t want to experience this horror ever again. But I felt protected by Lord Nrsimhadeva. Serving as a mother a little bit easer than service on Polish tour, but it is non-stop service. I know that this service is very dear to You. Thank You that I can serve You this way. I’m so happy that I promised You to chant 16 rounds every day, it so much helps me to keep going. I always keep Your instructions and communication with You in my heart. You are my lighthouse in a stormy ocean of material existance. I remember how we chanted Japa together on Polish Tour. That time was really golden. I hope that I will have an opportunity to go there again. Now I live in Bulgaria, Varna, You’ve been here once. My husband takes care of us very nicely, he is very kind person and he always wants us go to the Sunday program. There are very nice devotees here. I had a dream that you came to do our festival here, I was so much happy. It is a nice place to do the festival because we have a lot of travallers here in Black Sea at summers. I have a little hope and a big desire that this dream could become true. My husband’s sister serves to Bhakti Vaibhava Swami Maharaj in the summer when he lives here, I often saw him last summer and ate a lot of his mahaprasad. It was big mercy for me. Bhanu Swami Maharaj also visited our yatra last summer, we had harinama with him here in Varna. My dear Gurudeva, I miss You very much, I remember when I saw You last time in Vrindavan in far 2019, I didn’t know that we will separate so much years and I don’t know when I will have an opportunity to see You again. I just keep You in my heart and memory, listen to Your kirtans and lectures, it is the most valuable and important connection with You. Thank You for Your lectures, preaching, enthusiasm, inspiration and love. Many many obeisances to You!
Trying to be your servant, Jayasri Rasarani dasi.