From Ujjvala Radhe dasi – Russia, Tula
Dear Srila Gurudeva, Hare Krishna! Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All Glory to Srila Prabhupada!
On this most auspicious day of your Vyasa-puja, I wanted to express to you my love and gratitude!
On your anniversary, dear teacher, from my sincere heart I want to congratulate you and wish you:
Your work cannot be described in words.
Your contribution to our souls is priceless!!!
Thank you very much for leading us along the right path, home to God!
I wish you, dear Gurudev, good luck, love, good health, creative success and fresh ideas! May the Lord protect you!!!
Dear Gurudev, You are the light in my life, You guide me on the path of spirituality development. Help me understand the knowledge of Srila Prabhupada.
I want to share with you my work over the past 2 years:
In the morning, my every day begins with the Pranama mantra and throughout the day I do the same
I repeat.
I regularly repeat 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna Maha mantra, I try carefully! I comply with 4 reg. principles. I was also lucky enough to read and study 2 times a week S. Prabhupada’s books under the guidance of a senior devotee in the company of devotees.
I also study at the Veda-Life school. Sometimes I manage to distribute books S. Prabhupada. I also prepare prasadam for sankirtana devotees in Krishna’s kitchen I also prepare prasadam for devotees. In normal life I am involved in raising children preschool age. These fruits belong to you, dear Gurudev, because you are my inspiration!
On April 15 of this year I received dedication from you! You gave me a wonderful spiritual name Ujjvala Radhe devi dasi and a new birth! I understand that my service is important.
Now listen to your instructions!
I am very grateful to you, dear Gurudev, I value you very much and put you above everyone else earthly blessings. It was you who made my life conscious and full of spiritual meaning!
I want to express my heartfelt respect and gratitude to you! you fill mine soul with peace and joy!!
And on Fridays I always listen to your lectures about Vrindavan, these lectures are for me like food from you. It is joyful knowledge to hear about Krishna. This is such enlightenment through the clouds!
Dear Gurudev! Why don’t I cry for Krishna? Having it all!
I do not like him? And I would like to love Him very much!!!!
Although, when I listen about Krishna, tears often appear in my eyes and when Krishna he’s playing pranks, I’m laughing!! I hope that I still have time to love in this life. Krishna!?
Dear Gurudev, I pray that by following your instructions completely dedicate yourself to Sri Prabhupada’s mission. I sincerely believe that this is the highest perfection. And I ask for your blessing!!!
Your servant Ujjvala Radhe dasi.