
From Vraja Sakha Das – Ukraine, Zaporozhye

Dear Shri Guru Dev, please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Shri Prabhupada.
All glories to you.
On behalf of the devotees from the city of Zaporizhia, we want to congratulate you on the day of your appearance and express our respect and gratitude to you.
Gratitude for your service to Shri Prabhupada and for giving us the opportunity to participate in the mission dear to your heart of Shri Prabhupada.
There is one favorite phrase of yours that you often said during the Polish tour – “No pain no game.” In the current situation in Ukraine, we all feel this. No pain, no game. These circumstances give us the opportunity to experience the nectar of preaching, which we always thirst for. Thanks to preaching, many devotees have come together and started actively participating in the Food for Life program. Everyone feels a surge of spiritual inspiration. I feel like we are at Woodstock almost every day – we indulge in preaching.
Thanks to a year of intensive service, many new people have come to us. As Shri Prabhupada said, war is a time for preaching. And preaching is our essence, without which spiritual life is impossible.
Thank you very much for your example, which inspires us to continue carrying the banner of ISKCON in the material world.
All glories to you.
All glories to Shri Prabhupada.
All glories to the devotees of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Your servant, Vraja Sakha das,
And the devotees of the city of Zaporizhia.