
From Lila Mohini dasi – Russia, Moscow

Dear Srila Gurudev,
Please accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to your Divine Grace. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Guru-parampara.
I have neither any qualification nor any qualities to glorify you on this auspicious day. This is my first offering to the spiritual master, so please do not judge me strictly. I will try to write sincerely and from the heart.
One year and one week have passed since my initiation in Saint Petersburg. However, it seems like several lifetimes… So many things have happened since that day. Your inconceivable mercy knows no boundaries, no time. I am in deep debt to you, because you have put an end to my useless and meaningless life.
Thank you, dear Srila Gurudev, for your living example of devotion to Srila Prabhupada’s mission and for your tears in lockdown about canceled preaching tours, that are your life and soul, as long as they put into action Srila Prabhupada`s instructions.
Thank you, dear Srila Gurudev, for your example of the firm and deep attachment to the chanting of the Lord Holy Names. For several years, I have carried your instruction to us, the disciples, in my heart: “Don’t look for solutions to problems in different areas of life. Look for a solution in the way you chant the mantra”. I strive to follow it and also to inspire devotees with this instruction.
Thank you, dear Srila Gurudev, for your unparalleled example of devotion to your spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada. I was moved to tears, by an episode in one of your webinars, where you so touchingly, with simplicity of a child played twice a recording of your conversation with Srila Prabhupada. And even at a distance I could feel your unalloyed joy. This is incomprehensible, this is the spiritual world…
Thank you, dear Srila Gurudev, for your example of compassion for all living beings and your alacrity, to preach the mission of Lord Caitanya everywhere and always. This is constantly shown by the geography of your preaching tours. I hope that one day the Lord will stream gratuitous mercy and allow me to serve on the Woodstock, Polish tour.
Thank you, dear Srila Gurudev, for giving your association during engrossing webinars, praying for us and taking care of us with love, warning to stay always safe and wash our hands regularly. In general self-isolation allows me to practice devotional service more consciously, become more involved in the study of the Sastras and come in touch with devotees more. In one sense this lockdown has been a blessing from above.
Thank you dear Srila Gurudev for your inspiring example of the scriptures knowledge. By the causeless mercy of the Lord, Srila Prabhupada and you I am completing the Bhakti Sastri Course. This amazing nine-month adventure changed a lot in my life. Listening to your webinars, I am excited with the familiar slokas. When you tell any pastimes of the Lord, I want to reread it again. A writing dozens of essays was not for nothing, as far as they turned out to be a rehearsal for writing this offering to you, and its reason. A few days ago I wrote an essay on “The Nectar of Devotion” about the first three important angas of devotional service, namely, the importance of accepting a spiritual master, following his instructions and serving him with faith and devotion. And the constant meditation on the relationship with you led to the fact that your words have become the guiding light in my spiritual life: “The best gift for a spiritual teacher would be the fact that you managed to awaken your dormant love for the Lord. I would be very happy!” I am exerting all my powers, dear Srila Gurudev, for your happiness and satisfaction, as well as I do my best in everyday life to serve in the mood of anukulyena, as hankering, to please the Lord. And I kindly ask you, dear Srila Gurudev, to accept my service as offering to you and send them to Srila Prabhupada and the Guru-parampara.
Dear Srila Gurudev, please give your blessing, for my further study of Srila Prabhupada’s books. Having acquired a taste for the study of the Sastras, I want to develop and deepen their understanding, in order to apply this knowledge in practice, to change my life and also inspire and help the other devotees. I have a desire and an intention to continue studying on the Bhakti Vaibhava Course. Maybe this is what God wants me to do. Moreover, dear Srila Gurudev, I kindly ask for your blessing for such a service, rendering which I would be helpful to you in your mission, and therefore in the mission of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya. I hope it will be manifested, if there is a will and gratuitous mercy of the Lord.
Dear Srila Gurudev, please forgive my imperfection and allow me to wish you spiritual happiness, transcendental love, physical health and energy, so that you can continue your service with enthusiasm and inspiration for the pleasure of Lord Sri Krsna, Srila Prabhupada and all the devotees. I pray for it…
Trying to become your servant, Lila Mohini dasi