
From Paramahamsa das – Russia, Novosibirsk

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances at the dust of Your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to You!
At this glorious day of Your appearance I would like to express my respect to You.
By the causeless mercy, of Lord Sri Krishna, twenty seven years ago You accepted me as Your disciple. During all these years I did not have very much personal association with You, but those rare moments, when I stayed near You, I felt great mercy which was showering upon us, You disciples. During all my life, while trying to make spiritual progress or even getting something material, I understand that it is done by Your mercy and mercy of supreme Lord, Sri Krishna. Facing the difficulties in spiritual and everyday life, I try to make the right choice, imagining that You are standing next to me. At those moments I think what would my spiritual master tell me. I have a strong faith that following Your instructions will lead Your disciple to a highest perfection — pure devotional service to Sri Sri Radha and Krishna.
Dear Srila Gurudeva, You are the perfect example of unalloyed service to You spiritual master, carrying the mercy of Lord Gauranga to every corner of this planet.
At this great day of Your appearance I pray to become Your true disciple, always pleasing You. I pray that by following Your example, I completely dedicate my life to the mission of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya. I sincerely believe, that this is a highest perfection of the human life.
You useless servant, Paramahamsa das