
From bhakta Piyush Malik – India, Navi Mumbai

Dearest Srila Gurudeva,
Hare Krishna! Please accept my most respectful obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to you! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I wish you a very happy 71st Vyasa Puja. While I’m thinking of speaking some words to glorify you, I’ve literally gone back into time (about 5–6 years back). Back then, though I had already been introduced to Krishna Consciousness, I was not very serious about it. I remember it was about that time when I heard you singing “Jai Radha Madhava” in Russia in a YouTube video. I somehow got very attracted to this tune and was sharing it with my friends. Then as I searched more about you, I came across your Facebook page. There I saw beautiful pictures of Sri Vrindavan dham (I had already visited Vrindavan once with my parents, but not really in a devotee mood). After seeing many such pictures, I got attracted to Vrindavan! Never did I see such a beautiful depiction of Sri Vrindavan dham! Hence, all the credit goes to you for attracting me to Vrindavan dham! I always watched the live videos of Kartik parikram and truly felt that I was part of the party. Even while working, I would open Facebook and listen to your live classes which you gave during the parikram. My desire to participate in the parikram was always increasing.
Finally, by divine arrangement, I met one of our godfamily members, H.G. Haridas Varya Prabhu, on the auspicious occasion of Nityananda Trayodasi, on 29th Jan 2018. I had seen him many times before in the temple, but never interacted with him. After speaking to him, I got to know that he is your disciple! And I always wondered if there were any of your disciples here in Navi Mumbai. He then introduced me to H.G. Narottam Prabhu, who very kindly accepted me and invited me to his Sunday programs. And in such a way, I got introduced to many more godfamily members. My desire got fulfilled!
You are extremely merciful, Srila Gurudeva! Your love for Vrindavan dham is boundless! Each year you search for many new places in Vrindavan only for our benefit! I would be indebted to you forever, Srila Gurudeva! Even now, in this lockdown situation, you are giving classes thrice a week, sometimes four times, for 2–2.5 hours each time. And there is so much nectar to hear from you in each class!
I would like to thank you, Srila Gurudeva, for accepting little service from me. I am trying to assist H.G. Narottam Prabhu and H.G. Haridas Varya Prabhu in finding relevant verses from the scriptures pertaining to the webinar topics. My contribution is miniscule, but I hope it is giving you some pleasure. It is my prayer to you, Srila Gurudeva, to keep me engaged in your service. I hope to meet you someday in person, Srila Gurudeva, and I am desperate for it!
Your insignificant aspiring disciple, bhakta Piyush Malik