
From bhaktin Nilina Malikova – Russia, Ufa

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisance at your divine lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Guru-parampara!
It’s hard for me to express how lucky I am to have the chance to associate with you, dear Gurudeva. You are the Divine Grace who day and night is trying to save us from suffering of this terrible material world and return us back home, to Godhead. Your glory is endless because you are connected with the unlimited Lord Krishna. And you are a genuine disciple of Srila Prabhupada, who is undoubtedly proud of you.
Not in every life one can encounter such a pure Krishna Consciousness movement, and not in every life one can meet a bona fide spiritual master who is fully engaged in service to Krishna. Despite this terrible confinement you have found a way out and at least three times a week you share the nectar of Krishna Consciousness through the Internet with thousands of disciples and well-wishers.
You show by your own example how one shall face all difficulties of life, always staying in Krishna consciousness. You survived three attacks of a terrible disease, cancer. In whatever condition your body is, your mind and all your senses are aimed at serving the Lord, devotees, all the people of the world, because your mercy is always boundless. I wish I had at least a drop of your qualities. Whatever difficult trials fate sends me I always try to seek shelter in the holy names of the Lord, Prabhupada and you, because it is the example that you show us.
Material energy is very strong, we delude ourselves all the time, but I always recall your words from the letter to one of your disciples: “You did not come here to become a mother, but to return back Home, to Godhead.” Thank you for always reminding me of the main goal of life and for your being there in the form of your instructions, lectures and books. Thank you for personally writing me the Maha mantra on a piece of paper a year ago; I meditate on it every day. Thank you for praying every day for our spiritual growth. We can advance in Krishna Consciousness only by your mercy.
All glories to such a spiritual master! All glories to you, dear Gurudeva! All glories to you and all the holy guru parampara that you represent!
Your eternal servant, bhaktin Nilina