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From Govardhan Krishna Das – Kazakhstan, Kentau

Dear Srila Indradyumna Swami Maharaja,
Please accept my most humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to you! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Bhagavad-gita 16.1 lists the divine qualities of holy people, and fearlessness is the first quality among them. Being a spiritual warrior of Srila Prabhupada, you preach fearlessly in Poland, in the Amazon jungles, you preach to the indigenous tribes in Kwazulu-Natal, on the island of Mauritius, in New Caledonia, in Siberia, in Bosnia, Herzegovina, in Indonesia, risking your health and life. You organize pilgrimages to holy places and webinars on the Internet. In the place where you appear with a team of devotees, people hear the holy name of Krishna, take prasadam, listen about the glories of the Lord, get Prabhupada’s books, receive the spiritual culture and restore their forgotten relationship with the Supreme Lord. You are very merciful, Guru Maharaja.
By your mercy we can read in your diaries about your intimate relationship with Srila Prabhupada, with the Deities, with your godbrothers and your exalted disciples. In your diaries we can also read about your causeless mercy to all the people you meet. These are very secret thoughts and one can hardly keep from crying when reading them. If some people oppose you and our movement, you change their mood by your humbleness and persuade them to start serving the Supreme Lord. Our divine master jagad-guru Srila Prabhupada is very pleased with your preaching. Without you and your mercy the modern world would not be what it is now. We are forever indebted to you. I offer my most humble dandavats to you and I apologize for my mistakes. I would like to wish you a healthy and long life, so that you will be able to make us happy by your divine association!
Trying to serve you and the servants of your servants, Govardhan Krishna Das