
From Venu Rati Dasi – Kazakhstan, Almaty

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my most humble obeisances in the dust of your divine lotus feet! All Glories to His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada!

According to the scriptures a disciple will never pay back to his Guru for everything that the latter has done to him. Still by this transcendental tradition please let me to glorify you!
Dear Srila Gurudeva, you are my spiritual father and eternal well-wisher. Being your disciples, we are molded by your mercy. The scriptures say that meeting a Guru is neither a common occurrence nor a coincidence. This is a great causeless mercy of the Lord. Thanks and through you I have attained this invaluable gift, i.e. Krishna Consciousness. However due to the lack of positive qualities I am totally unqualified to utilize it properly. Therefore on this auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja I keep begging you, dear Gurudev, about your mercy, as it is only by your mercy that I will be able to overcome the contamination of material desires.
Dear Srila Gurudeva, you teach and inspire us through your example of selfless pure devotional service being rendered to the lotus feet of your spiritual teacher Srila Prabhupada. While travelling from country to country, from city to city you do utmost to let all conditioned souls hear the genuine knowledge about Krishna in the purest way. Everyone knows you as a devotee of festivals. From year to year you arrange festivals, ratha yatras for Lord Jagannath thereby attracting and involving people to Krishna Consciousness. You are a devotee of preaching. You put your heart and soul into preaching to such an extent that people immediately reciprocate. You are a devotee of harinam. Harinam is empowered due to the presence of a pure devotee. You are a pure devotee and you, dear Gurudeva, immensely enjoy dancing and chanting for the Lord. You are a devotee of kirtana. As you have stated at the class, a spiritual power can be measured by the power of one’s kirtana. Wherever you do your kirtans the walls shake out of chanting Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. You love children and are available to all children inspiring them to serve the Lord. And children adore you so much and are looking forward to meeting you, dear Gurudeva.
Dear Srila Gurudeva, you love Vrindavan so much and share Vrindavan with your disciples. By your mercy I do my best to visit dham every year at the Kartik time and join your parikramas. With every passing year I realize that by associating with you and through the causeless mercy you shower upon your disciples and well-wishers for me personally every Kartik parikrama is a special mercy. To associate with you for a whole month is a true ecstasy. You guide us through the Vrindavan sacred places, disclose the Lord’s transcendental pastimes and set an example of how to serve the Lord properly.
Dear Srila Gurudeva, with such a tremendous love you are putting Vrindavan into our hearts. Thanks to you I fell in love with Vrindavan, pray to Srimati Radharani and dream to come to dham every year, to see you and get your mercy.
Thank you, dear Srila Gurudeva for being so patient. We owe you everything and will never pay you back for what you do for everyone of us. I have such a strong faith in you and love you a lot!!! You are our Greatest Treasure. I wish you good health and many happy returns full of bliss and joy in serving Krishna!!! Dear Gurudeva, I am humbly bowing before you and so grateful to the Lord for having you in my life.
Your disciple, Venu Rati Dasi