
From Vrajadevi Dasi – Kazakhstan, Almaty

Dear Srila Gurudeva!
Please accept my humble obeisances un to Your lotus feet. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to You!
Dear Gurudeva, more and more gratitude comes into my heart for each past year of my life which is led by You, and which is filled by more and more miracles… Your mercy and kindness, giving constant support and spiritual energy, continuously nourishing my life through it all, — is the biggest miracle.
If a chance of getting human form of life can be compared to the chance of a turtle getting its head into a hole of a wooden lid on the surface of the ocean,so then what would be compared to the chance, given by You in this life to know about the supreme, our native abode of Vrindavana, and to stay there with You? This is the real miracle! What to speak of all the opportunities to participate in this service to Vrindavan arranged personally by You for everyone.
The opportunity given by You to purify heart and to fill it with the drop of nectar of every beautiful step, every word and every day in the song, dance, and festival of spiritual world, this is an amazing miracle. Your mighty mission comes out from the abode of love: from Your illuminous heart, spreading rays of great Vaikuntha energy, the heart, filled with adoring attitude to each and every detail of divine relations with the Lord.
Thank You, dear Gurudeva, for sharing with us, introducing to the subtleties and mysteries of transcendental world with such examples as: the service of Hanuman, perfect in all nuances; the verses of Acaryas and Goswamis about the special moments of love and devotion in Vrindavan; the magnanimous resplendent power of Lord Nrsimha; faith of Prahlada Maharaja; respect and humility of Akrura; and the glimpses of Your deep relationship with Srila Prabhupada…
And although there is not much hope for my heart to upliftment and to understand the sublime moments, the mercy of guru and mercy of Krishna is more powerful, than my imperfections. I look forward to that moment when again with more eagerness we all will be together with You on parikramas in Vrindavan, beyond this world…
Dear Gurudeva after all in any case and circumstance continuing serving You is the purification, as well as the hope, the goal, the greatest blessing and the spiritual world itself.
Your disciple, Vrajadevi Dasi