
from bhaktin Margarita Valieva – Ukraine, Kharkiv

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Hare Krsna! Please, accept my humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada — Your dear spiritual master!

Please, accept my congratulations on this auspicious Day of Your Appearance! We are very lucky, that we can follow a person like You. You travel to different parts of this world and generously share the gift of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. When You appear, Maya is forced to hide. Your light dissipates any darkness.

Vyasa Puja – is the day, when I summarize everything in order to realize, where am I going, and to understand, whether my relationship with You has deepen. By the grace of God, one attains a spiritual master, and only by the grace of the spiritual master one can find God. The spiritual master is the Lord Himself, because he can give Krsna to others. By Your grace, You gave me a chance to revive my personal relations with the Lord, and this is where my personal relationship with You are shown, as You teach it. For each disciple You have an ocean of love, and everyone can feel this love and care.

You are always strict in Your instructions, regarding the hopelessness of material existence; when You get to the most hidden places of the heart, You destroy the slightest hope of material enjoyment. You let me see the blackness, that covers my heart, this blackness has accumulated over millions of lives and it is not possible to wipe it myself. But listening to You, I have faith in the power of Krsna, and in the fact, that He loves every jiva, and can destroy everything, that prevents us from performing our devotional service to Him.

For me You will forever remain the most perfect example of giving oneself to the mission of Srila Prabhupada. After all, You have no other occupation, than to spread the glories of the Holy Name and the divine method of self- realization of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu — сhanting, dancing and feasting!

Dear Srila Gurudeva, I pray to serve You and Your mission by Your mercy! I wish You will be able to distribute these traveling festivals more and more. May Your gracious heart flood the whole world with prema!

Forever Your servant, bhartin Margarita