
From Saciprana Gauranga das – Thailand, Phuket

Dear Srila Gurudeva!
On this special and auspicious day of Your Appearance, I would like to congratulate You and thank You for what you are doing both for us, your disciples, and for the world.
In this age of technocracy and the promotion of sin you give conditioned souls the opportunity to get in touch with Krishna Himself through stories of the Lord’s deeds, the sound of His holy name and the honoring Krishna prasadam. How fortunate and blessed is the world and the time when feet like yours, Srila Gurudeva, tread the earth; feet that know no weariness in fulfilling the precepts of Guru and Gauranga.
You always say that Mahaprabhu’s pastimes are happening here and now, that the prediction of the spiritual transformation of the world is coming true right now… so please accept my endless dandavats for allowing me and my family to participate in these wonderful lilas of the Lord and His devotees.
Unable to live in a holy Dham, I live in the abode of Kali and realize that my mind is constantly trapped in speculation and desire for sin. But it is only because of Your mercy and protection; because You have shown me a worthy example and an alternative to indulging my imperfect senses that I am able to find refuge again and again in the holy name and the sublime precepts of the Vedas.
Thanks to You and Your disciples, I am able to strengthen my relationship with the Lord by performing yajnas, worshipping deities, chanting countless mantras and other kinds of devotional service. Please bless me so that my understanding of siddhanta will be correct and I will be able to share this understanding and taste of devotional service with others.
As I look back, I realize that all the most inspiring and sweet moments of my life are directly or indirectly related to You and Your mission. Rolling in the soft dust of Govardhan; the unhurried chanting of mantras in your presence at the abode of Nara and Narayana high in the Himalayas; the tearing and explosive sankirtana among the intoxicated crowd of Woodstock; serving together with our international spiritual family on the banks of Ganga; and contemplating the beautiful form of Govinda from behind Your broad shoulders… Tears of joy and gratitude come to my eyes when I realize that the source of these experiences is Krishna, our beloved Lord, and You, a sincere and devoted disciple of Srila Prabhupada, are leading me to Him.
It has been said that devotion to Krishna is a state of mind and heart in which one dedicates one’s life completely to the service and love of Krishna, believing in His divine nature. So You, Srila Gurudeva, are a perfect example of how Krishna bhakti manifests itself in the world and how it can be realized.
May the possibilities of preaching the glory of the Lord’s Name always expand for You. May Your body not disturb You or prevent You from being mindful of the games of the Divine couple. May Your disciples attain the heights of devotion to the Lord and not deviate from the path shown by Prabhupada.
May I always remain at Your lotus feet, my dear master; be worthy to be called your servant.
Always seeking your blessings, Saciprana Gauranga das