
from Padmaksa Das – United Kingdom, Birmingham

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

I offer my respectful obeisances onto Your lotus feet. All glories to You.

This wonderful day of Your Vyasa Puja is an opportunity for me to convey my gratitude for Your grace. Thank You for Your company and for your instructions on the Bhakti path.

In this 2020 year, Your Vyasa Puja is different than before, because we have your company through internet connectivity only. Yet still, I feel the closeness with you and your instructions. Thank you very much for such frequent lectures and stories that you cast live from Vrindavan. Recently you talked about Kamyavan — The Forest Of Desire. I remembered Your words about where various transcendentalists store their spiritual strength.

“Yogi keeps his strength in the hair. Janani keeps his strength in his words. Devotee keeps his strength in his japa-mala — beads for meditation.”

At this point, I realized that although I dont have Your personal company during this years Vyasa Puja, I have a source of power that I received from You twenty six years ago. I remember how You personally chanted at these mala giving them spiritual power. And now this power is with me, whenever I chant Hare Krishna Maha-mantra on these mala, I receive direct power flowing personally from You.

Dear Gurudeva I thank You with all my heart for Your source of spiritual power. Dear Gurudeva my heart belongs to You.

Your humble servant, Padmaksa Das

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