
from Premaniketana Das – United Kingdom, Watford

Dearest Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Your Divine Grace.

I already know three persons who are mercy personified. Lord Nityananda, Gauranga and You. As the first two, You are also always ready to give. Ready to give Your time, energy and causeless mercy. You are never tired to give Your association, help and love. You are such an amazing person, burning Your own life in service to others. Only a pure devotee can be so selfless and loving, because he already has the connection to the source of love, to Krsna.

We are very fortunate to have such a spiritual master. The other day I listened to Your class and You said something, that really touched my heart. You said that we should never feel guilty. Either we embrace Your teaching or we just take a little step forward, the main thing is that we should try. You said we should never forget to be happy in between.

You are such an inspiration for a fallen soul like me. I see some of my god- brothers and sisters are so fortunate to have the faith and energy to serve Your lotus feet with full heart. Sometimes I lose faith in myself and I think that I am useless, but when I hear Your classes or talks, then I am inspired again, the way I was the first time I saw You.

Thank You, Srila Gurudeva, for being such an inspiring, loving and good spiritual master. Without You the material nature would just eat us up and we would have no shelter at all. The material nature is the fire, but You are the ocean, and just by one of Your waves You can stop millions of fires. And You cool us down and calm us when the fire burns, so we can live our spiritual life peacefully again.

I offer my obeisances from the bottom of my heart with my full love at the lotus feet of such a spiritual master.

All glories to Your Divine Grace.

Your insignificant servant, Premaniketana Das

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