from Gopika Kanta Dasi – United States, Rahway
Dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! Wishing you a very wonderful, happy and joyous birthday. On this
most auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja celebration, I wanted to share five qualities about you, that have personally touched and inspired me in every aspect of my life.
The first is your appreciation for others. Srila Gurudeva, time and time again I have witnessed how you make it a point to appreciate other devotees, especially your god sisters and god brothers. Whether it is by publicly praising them, or giving up your own kirtan or lecture slots to honor them, I am constantly touched by your ability to appreciate others. Your example shows us how we can truly serve Krishna, not through glorifying our own service, but glorifying the service of His devotees.
The second is your courage. Srila Gurudeva, to what part of the world have you not gone? In what dangerous situation have you ever shied away from sharing the Holy Name? Many years ago, I remember feeling totally shocked as I read about you walking through a field of landmine bombs, saying Krishna’s name as you took each step. Your courage imprinted my heart and protected my faith. There had to be something deep to be experienced on this path of Bhakti if it was able to inspire you and protect you through the most precarious of situations.
The third quality is creativity. Srila Gurudeva, I recently read the chapter of Lilamrita where Prabhupada, amidst the bombings of Calcutta, published his first Back to Godhead Articles. His writings made it a point to address the issues of the people. I immediately thought of you Srila Gurudeva and how you use creativity to share Krishna Consciousness in a relatable way for modern times. Whether it is the Kirtan Festival in Rishikesh or the newest Viva Kultura production, you set an example for our movement for how we need to always think about how to present our philosophy in a way that makes sense to the people of the world, representing that very spirit of Srila Prabhupada.
Your fourth quality is your unlimited energy. This year, on Kartik Parikrama, I observed one incident. We had a very long, hot day in Jaipur. After being denied entrance to the Amer fort, you giving two classes and two raving kirtans, Rasika Siromani mataji lovingly requested you to please go back to take rest and said “Srila Gurudeva, we’ve had a long day, you must be tired.” You curtly responded to her, “No Rasika, I’m not tired! I’m ready to do harinam on the streets of Jaipur until 1:00 AM! Let’s go! I will go tell all the bus drivers! I’m not tired, you are tired!” Rasika Mataji was lovingly defeated by your never ending energy for engaging in Krishna Consciousness. Although just one small incident, I was so amazed. Here I was on yatra, tired myself, after doing nothing but eating prasadam and attending. Yet, you, after leading kirtan, giving class, walking from one place to another, were ready to tirelessly continue sharing Krishna Consciousness with anyone and everyone you met.
The fifth quality, and the one that I personally have meditated on the most this year Srila Gurudeva, is your love for Vrindavan. Gurudeva, this year was my first time ever attending your Kartik Yatra. Honestly, my previous experiences with the dham prior to this trip were always tainted with extreme weather and illness, and I always struggled to feel connected or appreciate the dham. Somehow, being in your association, amongst all the devotees, this time I had a completely different experience. After one particularly tiring day, I wrote in my journal, “It just goes to show you the power of your Guru. His connection to Krishna is so strong, that He can keep You connected, even if you physically can’t!”
Beyond the captivating experiences of kirtan and katha, I came away with one important lesson. As a public school teacher, surrounded by American teenagers, drugs and foul language much of my days, I often feel like the most spiritual person around. The experience in Sri Vrindavan Dham was completely humbling and simultaneously inspiring, because it was an opportunity to be in the presence of pure, true love of Krishna. On the banks of Radha Kunda, sitting under the trees of Ter Kadamba, or smushed in the crowds during mangal arati in Govindaji temple, I was so moved by the depth of love by which I was surrounded by and also humbled because I realized just how far away I am on the path to true love for God. For the first time in my life Gurudeva, I felt like maybe I could appreciate Sri Vrindavan dham in some real way. As you said in your recent webinar, “this love here is all we are aiming for.” I am realizing that it is only through serving and appreciating this love will I have any chance at succeeding in my spiritual life. It is only because of your mercy that I was able to be in the presence of such love, and be humbled by it.
So, “A” for Appreciating Others, “C” for Courage, “C” for Creativity, “E” for Energy and “L” for Loving Vrindavan. The letters spell out the word “ACCEL” (short for accelerate) because Srila Gurudeva, your loving presence, commitment and dedication to Lord Chaitanya’s movement is accelerating the entire planet’s spiritual journey, what to speak of my own. Thank you for always being a generous, kind, patient and loving well-wisher forever. Praying for your blessings that I can appreciate this gift of Krishna Consciousness more, and that I can be of some service to you and the devotees in my lifetime. Whatever spiritual progress I make in this lifetime, is completely due to the protection of your stalwart faith, your unwavering dedication and your endless love for Sri Vrindavan Dham. I am indebted to you forever.
Your disciple, Gopika Kanta Dasi