from Rama Rati Das – United States, Fremont
Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Hare Krsna! Please, accept our most humble obeisances. All glories to your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Dear Srila Gurudeva, on this most auspicious day we pray to Lord Nrsimha to bestow you with good health, so that you can fulfill the mission of your spiritual master, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. You have shown us that in rain or shine we should remain steady on our path of devotional service. You have always guided us by your personal example. As the saying goes: “Example is better than precept”. In the same way you have shown us how to turn difficulty into opportunity. These past few months have been difficult for the entire world.
Preaching is something which is very dear to you and, in spite of all the festivals that you love getting cancelled, you show a renewed sign of enthusiasm in the form of your seminars which are very deep and esoteric. You are touching the hearts of many devotees worldwide by inspiring and motivating them.
We live in the ISV congregation and we must say that you have a very large fan- club consisting of children of all ages. They always ask us about your next visit. Even our story time sessions have stories from your diaries read once a week. Children listen in awe and amazement as we go through pages of history that you created. Vaisesika Prabhu talks very fondly about you. The relationship that you share with your god-brothers sets an example of Vaisnava etiquette, and also the sweetness in the relation gives us a glimpse of the rasa, that devotees enjoy in the spiritual world.
Srila Prabhupada once said: “Attention to detail is a sign of love”. We see that in every activity you do: from deity worship to the seminars you conduct or the yatras each year. Each festival that you organize inspires thousands of souls, that have been searching their way back home since time immemorial.
We have been really touched by the way you have extended yourself. Your Whatsapp posts are very motivating and give us a sense of connection. If we had to describe your divine personality in one sentence, it would be: “Everyone loves you and you love everyone”. You are always alert and attentive, like the supersoul in the heart, you bestow mercy to the fallen souls. Such is the power of your divine association. Also, we would like to thank you on behalf of our nephew who, by your grace, is chanting 16 rounds and is aspiring to be your disciple. This is just a fraction of the actual impact you have on many such souls, guiding them with the shining light of knowledge and the gentle touch of mercy. We are eternally indebted to you for giving us this life of Krsna Consciousness. Please, bless us so that we continue following the devotional process and serving you in our insignificant way.
Thank you so much, Srila Gurudeva, for everything that you have done for us. You are the perfect master and our only desire is to serve you and be an instrument in your hands to fulfill the mission of Srila Prabhupada.
Your humble servants,
Rama Rati Das, Kamala Sri Dasi