from Sri Govinda Bhasaya Das – United States, Los Angeles
Dear Srila Gurudeva,
On this most glorious day of your 71st Vyasa Puja, I gratefully acknowledge your wonderful service to Srila Prabhupada. You are an excellent role model and father figure for me, I still remember
the time that you showered you causeless mercy on me in Jaipur. That is a debt that can never be repaid. I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.
To honor and respect you means to be more serious in my sadhana to me. And yes, I still chant my sixteen rounds. I know I am not the best disciple but I thank you for giving me a chance to go back to Godhead.
You do put up with me and still find time to answer my questions even though I am a big rascal.
Thank you.
You are more merciful than Sri Krishna himself. You have done what no other guru has done. You tolerate me. And for that simple fact you are the best out of the bunch.
One day, Srila Gurudeva, I will get it right. And you tell us in your webinars that chanting the holy names of Krishna points us in the right direction. I know I am a big nonsense, I need to change my ways. You are just like Krishna waiting for me to get it right.
Initiating my mother really helps me. I remember when I sent you an email, because my mom did not get a response from you. And you quickly replied back to the both of us. That touched my heart. Thank you. I know you have a lot of disciples and are busy. But you are a man of gold tolerating my bad ways.
I love you lots and need to straighten out before it’s too late. I want to leave America, but there are no flights to India. And I’m drowning here.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
Thank you being so magnificent!
You foolish disciple,
Sri Govinda Bhasaya Das