
from Nilamani Cakravarti Dasi – Hungary, Somogyvámos

Dearest Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you on this auspicious day.

The world has turned upside down, but you are standing unwaveringly, readily accepting the Lord’s arrangement. We have to face various challenges throughout our lifetimes. But even among devotees there are those who excel, who are capable of deeply-devoted faith when there is peace and also when there are challenges that can overwhelm even devotees.

When you were admitted to hospital the last time, you also bore witness to this. As a disciple, it is very worrying to hear these kinds of news about you, to see the pictures as you are recovering before and after your operation. Your words proved how determined you are. Like a torchlight you showed us the path in the darkness; with your example, you exhibited strength and deepened your disciples and well-wishers faith in Krishna.

In the crisis of this current pandemic the whole planet is gasping for air, and
the world has turned upside down. You were standing unwaveringly, ready to 76
support your disciples and your well-wishers; you immediately started your
webinars and regular posts and updates to encourage all of us.

You are the one we can always depend on, the one we can grab onto, the one who sits on the boat, saving souls from the rippling waves and helping those who are still lying on the floor of the boat, gasping for air. You are the one who is ahead of us, holding the torchlight, showing us the way where there is light — to prepare us to be able to properly utilise all we have. So we can be successful even in the dark, at the hour of need.

Your inspiration has saved us. Your saturated with love teachings are our shelter and your unwavering love and care is the biggest gift one can give in this world.

I am in your debt. I am beholden to you and forever grateful that I belong to you. Thank you very much for being here for us, dearest Srila Gurudeva.

Your servant,
Nilamani Cakravarti Dasi