
from Radha Katha Dasi – Hungary, New Vraja Dhama

Dearest Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your lotus feet.

The sun of your blessed appearance day has risen again, and thousands of brothers and sisters have come together to shower the fragrant flowers of their love and gratitude upon you. Happy birthday, dear Srila Gurudeva!

You are a strong and unmovable beacon of light that we can all safely follow. You are here steadily giving us shelter at the time of need, and with your sweet Krishna katha you are easing our suffering in this material world.

I offer my respectful obeisances onto your lotus feet. Your heart-melting bhajans and ecstatic kirtans inspire your audience to relish and taste the holy names. I saw many times how you make both young and old dance from the heart with tears in their eyes simply by hearing your beautiful melodies.

I offer my respectful obeisances onto your lotus feet. You show a first class example in Deity worship and always search for uniquely beautiful forms of
Govinda. It is most exciting to see, how Krishna will appear next for you to 79
enjoy your loving service and company every single day.

I offer my respectful obeisances onto your lotus feet. You not only offer fascinatingly beautiful foodstuffs to your beloved Deities, but I saw how you enjoy personally serving prasadam for thousands of souls who were lucky enough to be at the right line at the right time.

I offer my respectful obeisances onto your lotus feet. You always eagerly research to know more details about Lord Krishna’s pastimes, and then mercifully share them with us. What would we do without these drops of nectar locked up in our rooms nowadays?!

I offer my respectful obeisances onto your lotus feet. Srila Gurudeva, you are very dear to Srila Prabhupada and certainly to Sri Krishna Himself, not to speak of Srimati Radharani. Without your mercy, I am completely unsuccessful.

I offer my respectful obeisances onto your lotus feet again and again, and pray that you will always be successful, always make Srila Prabhupada happy, and that your mission will go on for at least ten thousand years!

With love and gratitude,

Your servant, Radha Katha Dasi