
from Revati Dasi – Hungary, Budapest

Dear Indradyumna Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Home is where the heart is, but we often do not live at that place…
When the pandemic started and borders were getting locked, everybody hurried to the place where they belong to. I was consciously and curiously observing where my friends, devotees, acquaintances would end up. I myself ended up in Nagykanizsa, a small town in Hungary, a place where I always escape from Budapest. I was not surprised that my Guru Maharaja (His Holiness Sivarama Swami) came back to New Vraja Dhama, even though he spent very little time there nowadays. And I was confused to hear that you travelled to London… I was convinced that your heart is in Vraja and that you would choose that place to stay despite any circumstances. It was a relief to hear a few days later that you would be giving lectures from Vraja.

I am very grateful for your webinars. I am trying to structure my days in a way that I could listen to your live broadcasts. Also, the lectures you give in Vraja always have a special taste.
I am glorifying your lectures in all my letters and you might think that I have nothing more to say but I do have. Through your lectures, you are able to wake those things in people’s heart which they are spiritually attracted to. The way how you talk about the Goswamis, how you pronounce the verses and the name of Rupa Gosvami can open up hidden dimensions for me. And those who are attracted to Sri Rama, Nrsimhadeva, Jesus or any other forms of God or great devotees are receiving impetus for their own way of love. What you are transmitting is coming from the most merciful and most compassionate source, a source that contains all forms of God, all Deities, all types of devotion, all rasas… Is it called Krishna? Is this the source what we call ete cāṁśa-kalāḥ puṁsaḥ, akhila-rasāmṛta-mūrti, mahā-vadanyāya. Is it Lord Caitanya? The wonderful source of your very being includes all stories of God, all holy places, all devotees… it is “the only” and “the supreme” in an including, loving way; not in an excluding way… Recently I told my husband that “on my deathbed just let me listen to Indradyumna Swami and I will be OK”.
Thank you so much for inspiring us through your lectures. I have just handed in my master degree thesis entitled “The Mission of Rupa Gosvami”. In a short dedication I tried to express my gratitude: “This work was born in the wake of my spiritual masters’ blessings. / Sivarama Swami is a present-day member of the literary community of Vrindavana, he composes his books under the

supervision of Rupa Gosvami. / Indradyumna Swami is wandering around the holy places of Vraja in the footsteps of the Goswamis, and he is determined to reveal them to others as much as once Sri Rupa and his associates were.” While the thesis is ready, I am just at the beginning of writing it into my heart.

Sometimes when I am wondering about questions, I ask you in my mind. “Gurudeva, do you think that the dust from Rupa-manjari’s lotus feet is included in the gopi-candana?” or “Gurudeva, could we say that Bhagavad Gita, the transcendental philosophy uttered by Krishna is an uddipana, just like Krishna’s beauty or smile?” or “Gurudeva, why Rupa Gosvami says that Govindaji is standing at Kesi-ghata? Is it possible that His first temple was there?” or “Gurudeva, do you think we will have a Kartik parikrama 2020?”…

Please keep on instructing us, the world needs you a lot.

Your eternal follower, Revati Dasi