
from Kasturi Manjari Dasi – India, Mayapur

Dear Srila Gurudeva,

Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

Our family moved to live in Mayapur almost ten years ago. Our decision was made mainly because we wanted to raise our son in a spiritual environment most of all. And we were happy about that. We are still happy. My husband’s service includes cooking lunch prasadam for devotees, I am helping him. We continue prasadam delivery even during lockdown: many devotees are asking for prasadam to be brought to their doorsteps. So we are kept busy more than ever.

Our son Narottam is more enthusiastic to follow devotional practice as to learn different subjects at SMIS (Sri Mayapur International School). You were saying in your lectures how it is so important to stay in the dhama or to visit the dhama. So we always felt we made the right decision. With Narottam being ten years old now we planned to go to the whole Polish tour and Woodstock this year to keep preaching spirit alive. But Krsna is not willing this year. We can prepare for the tours in the upcoming years by listening to your lectures and coming close to the Lord by chanting Hare Krishna. As you explained there is no need to go to many places seeking the Lord, especially while living in Mayapur where Lord manifests Himself in the holy name.

Even living in Mayapur, listening to your lectures and getting association of devotees I do wrong things. My material desires flourish and I regret that very much. But your instructions are always in front of me, they always allow me to see the highest goal of life. Chanting of the holy name was and is always my priority, this is the 1st thing I do every morning after waking up. I encourage my son to chant more, my desire for him is to reach sixteen rounds as soon as possible and then to ask for shelter at your lotus feet. His goal is to reach ten rounds this year. Narottam eagerly listens to your lectures, Srila Gurudeva, every night before sleep. He even used one of your lectures for his school project about Jaipur! And Narottam quotes you when discussing various topics.

Your lectures, your example always give taste for chanting Hare Krsna Maha- mantra. Chanting when sad, chanting when worried or hurting, chanting when depressed or struggling — it is the realization given by you and it is residing now in my heart. And dream of all dreams for me is — if I ever come back to the spiritual sky I would like to be in Lord Gauranga’s sankirtana group chanting in ecstasy with you and other devotees! It is dark time now without harinamas on the streets and fearful people inside the buildings, but as you were saying continually by quoting Srila Prabhupada: “ISKCON movement will save the world in its darkest hour”. We are movement of saviors, mainstream media and governments cannot suppress our spirit. We are revolutionary movement showing the right direction for all suffering people on the planet. We can do anything under your direction, Srila Gurudeva!

Your spiritual daughter, Kasturi Manjari Dasi