
from Suka Sari Das – India, Aligarh

My dearest Srila Gurudev,

Please, accept my most humble obeisances in the dust of your lotus feet. All glories to our beloved Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your divine grace and causeless mercy.

My glorious master, on this auspicious occasion of your 71st Аppearance Day, I am feeling extra fortunate, that you picked me up from ignorance once again in this lifetime. Your causeless mercy has no boundaries as you say that we inherited Krsna’s unlimited mercy, although I am really unworthy.

The mercy of guru and the mercy of Krsna is greater than our own disqualification. I actually feel it, and it gives me more strength to assist you in Srila Prabhupada’s mission. I am made of your grace, thus I request you to eternally keep me engaged in your service to Srila Prabhupada. I am a little worthy to serve, just because you guide me transcendentally every time, else I am useless waste without your blessings as Kunti Maharani says in Srimad Bhagavatam [1.8.40]:

ime jana-padāḥ svṛddhāḥ supakvauṣadhi-vīrudhaḥ
vanādri-nady-udanvanto hy edhante tava vīkṣitaiḥ

“All these cities and villages are flourishing in all respects because the herbs and grains are in abundance, the trees are full of fruits, the rivers are flowing, the hills are full of minerals and the oceans full of wealth. And this is all due to your glancing over them.”
This Poem «Our Rescuer» is an offering to you on this auspicious occasion:
Yipee! The most auspicious day,
Our rescuer descended in May
Appeared boldly in Maya’s kingdom
To assist in Prabhupada’s fiefdom.

In this age of quarrel and illusion
Only ease is your divine affection,
Your divine healable Harinam is all
Solace to ignorant and suffering soul.

Fulfills Guru’s desire: traveling festival’s fame,
Preach boldly and have faith in the holy names,
Distributing Agyaat Sukriti indiscriminately
To everyone, nectarian holy names, infinitely.

Travels incessantly to deliver in all the directions,
Innovatively introducing authentic spiritual revolutions,
With the heart of beloved master Srila Prabhupada,
Exemplifying relationship: like father, like son.

Compassion personified to protect
From clutches of Maya’s effect.
Billions souls found right map
Previously in the deep nap.

Risk to preach unfortunate,
Sharing fortune to educate.
Glorifies god-family endlessly,
Teaches us the same lovingly.

Real humility — is not to judge.
Delivering sinners to fridge,
Distributing Holy Names with faith,
Dangers go away as Nrsimha wrath.

Hates the sin not the sinner.
Merciful — is the real winner,
Srila Gurudev, my dearest master and Lord,
Sukha Saridas begs to cut his material chord

Please, forgive me if I have committed any mistake while expressing myself. I am a very foolish person who just tries to glorify you with my imperfect knowledge. I need more of your mercy in order to serve you intelligently. His Grace Narottam Prabhu is always there to guide me. He is a father-like figure for me.

Dear Gurudev, I would like to tell you about extraordinary god-brothers and god-sisters who always guide me in my devotional services.

Her Grace Gaura Premanandi — she always guides me in my daily services and also encourages me like a sister. She is a very enthusiastic and forgiving devotee. She always ignores my foolishness and teaches me what will please you the most.

Pratap Prabhu — he helps me in transcription services of your lectures. He is an extremely simple and humble devotee.

Mother Tatiana — she is a superwoman! She is the mother of a small daughter but assists us in transcription services in Russian and English languages. She manages to do all service along with her very small daughter.

His Grace Sri Radhacaran Prabhu — we got initiated together during last Kartik parikrama. He is a very good friend of mine and also helps me in transcripting your lectures. He is extremely caring towards every devotee. He lives in Jaipur and discovered your favourite place in the last Kartik.

I am made of your grace and the support of devotees. Please, punish me, chastise me or do anything, but, please, never remove me from your nectarian service to Prabhupada.

Your eternal son, Suka Sari Das