
From Govindasthali dasi – Australia, Brisban

Dear Srila Gurudeva, please accept my most humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to you!


” I offer my respectful obeisances unto my Spiritual Master, the liberator of all fallen souls; by whose mercy a dumb man can speak eloquently, a blind man can see the stars and a lame man can cross mountains”
Looking back, I can quite believe nearly thirty years have passed since I first had the mercy of your association. I know that is not much on an absolute scale of time, and it seems like the years pass much more quickly the older I get, but I can honestly say that this have been the best (nearly) thirty years of all of my lives.
It is not by some great deeds of mine but simply because of your causeless mercy that you have chosen to enter my life – and for that mercy I am eternally grateful.
The pure qualities you manifest are those I have been longing for – humility, mercy, selflessness, compassion, thoughtfulness, just to name a few. Your means of acquiring those qualities are your love and devotion to Srila Prabhupada and his mission. And because I do not have those means in my possession all I can do is to try to achieve this goal by following your instructions. Your care and love for us is self-evident in detail in which you prepare your many lectures. I lost count now how many wonderful descriptions of Divine Couple’s unlimited pastimes you have gifted us, I am in awe as to how many hours of research you have poured into every single one and I am humbled by how much care you take in delivering those pastimes to us.
In this everchanging world, when each year is worse than the previous one, where life is throwing curve balls at us, you are a shining example of unflinching devotion to your Spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada and his divine instructions.
Gurudeva, I beg for your mercy to be able to qualify myself as a true disciple and take full shelter of your divine lotus feet.
Your eternal servant, Govindasthali dasi