
From Gandharvika Radhe dasi – New Zealand, Auckland

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances on the glorious day of your Vyasa Puja!
All glories to you! All glories to your beloved Srila Prabhupada!
Gurudeva, though we have not physically seen each other in quite a few years now, I feel you are right here through your divine Vrindavan pastimes. My children have been listening to the Spring/summer/monsoon pastimes for months now as their bedtime stories without fail. They say that it makes them feel most safe listening to you narrate these pastimes. I know how they feel because it was your Pada-kamalam cassette that put me to sleep for years as a child. I would say it was one of the main things that kept me connected to you through my childhood.
I now work as the Principal’s secretary at the Auckland Hare Krishna School where Uddhava attends. It is the most rewarding job that is really more of a service. I know that you would be so proud of how far we have come as a school. We are steadily growing our roll and now in the process of expanding our infrastructure. It is such a time of positive change in this very topsy-turvy world.
Last year when you sent me that beautiful video message through Harriet, I was absolutely blown away. The care you have for each and every one of your children is just unfathomable. It was earlier that day that I was really feeling the distance between us and lamenting that I couldn’t be in Jaipur with you all. Then, out of nowhere I received a video recording from Harriet that instantly brought me to tears. Nothing has ever made me feel that way. I felt the genuine love and care of my spiritual master.
I know not how to properly glorify you on this day but I feel so so fortunate to have even a moment of your attention and a drop of your mercy. Thank you Gurudeva for all that you do. Thank you Gurudeva for being so present online for those of us less fortunate to be in your physical presence.
Praying for your good health, your safety and that we may meet again soon,
Your insignificant servant, Gandharvika Radhe dasi