
From Mahabhav Rasaraj Murti Das – USA, TX, Austin

Dear Srila Gurudev,
Please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet; all glory to Srila Prabhupada!
Where to even begin? Srila Gurudev, when I started thinking of how I can even describe a fraction of a parcel of your glories, a verse I had encountered in my shastric studies dawned on me. The later part of that exact text struck my memory, like how the Sudarshana Chakra must pierce a bewildered mind.

Srīla Rūpa Goswami states:

kālaṁ nayed akhilam ity upadeśa-sāram

Nectar of Instruction 8

That the essence (sāra) of the essence (āmṛita) of all instruction (upadeśa) is to follow in the footsteps (ānugāmī) of those dear to Vraja/Vrajarāja (tad-anurāgi-janā), whenever I read this verse, I am reminded of the importance of the pure devotees in our lives. Srila Gurudev, I know no one, but you who embodies the characteristics the Acharyas describe. Narrottam das Thakur adds his opinion, declaring that the right path can only be ascertained through three means: sádhu, śāstra, and gūru-vākya (Prabhupada purport to SB 4.21.28-29). Therefore, the instruction of the guru and following in his footsteps are amongst the only means by which spiritual advancement can be made.

My dear Srila Gurudev, when we last spoke, you told me to focus on my material and shastric studies for the past year. As a fallen servant, I made many errors in this process, often becoming inconsistent and finding a difficult balance between all aspects of my life. However, whenever I chant on the beautiful beads, you gave me or the mantras I vowed to recite, I am reminded of how even the effort of one insignificant squirrel, could help build a mighty Ram Setu bridge. Day into weeks, I pray to Bhagavan Sri Kṛṣṇa, that my rounds can improve, and even during the many times when I almost come to tears, missing your presence, I am comforted by knowing that your lectures, instructions, and your living embodiment: your disciples, will always be there to guide me. Even a little rodent-like me can play a small part in helping you achieve your mission to your beloved Srila Prabhupada.

Srila Gurudev, I do not deserve to have a spiritual master who, even in this stage of life, where many would simply give their complete dedication for the advancement of their own Bhakti alone, has more energy to preach to the farthest corners of the world than a young teenager from the suburbs of Austin. I do not deserve a spiritual master who, on my 16th Janmadivas, sent me beads personally chanted on by hand and carved to help deliver me from this world. I do not deserve even the very name that you had instructed me to live up to, a word so beautiful that in the class before my initiation ceremony, you said that this was among the unique names for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. However, Srila Gurudev, I have learned that nothing is mine. Therefore, every moment these five life airs fill my lungs, I am forever indebted to you.

Dear Srila Gurudev, I hope that one day I can follow in the footsteps of your disciples, who are expansions of your various desires. Then, I can follow the prescribed path by Srīla Rūpa Goswami and take baby steps in the imprints you have left in this world and my heart. Srila Gurudev, I have nothing and no one besides you and my debt owed to my gurus. If you would be so kind to this servant, please continue praying for me so I can one day preach as you instructed me in El Paso.
Your servant, lifetime after lifetime,

Daso’smi Mahabhav Rasaraj Murti Das