
From Sundari-Priya dasi – Croatia

Poem dedicated to my beloved Srila Gurudeva – H.H. Indradyumna Swami
Bridge, unmoved and permanent
On the bank of Life’s lone shadowy river
You build between us.
A bridge rising to reach immense strength,
Sheltering to defeat anger and pride,
Broad and immense to chant with peace, poise, and serenity.
You build the bridge, unwavering and brilliant,
A country fair for those mad with love
Where every distinction between guru and disciple disappears.
While some smiles are caused by your fulfilment,
Others weep tears of your tenderness.
Devotees dance, whirling with your bliss,
Your disciples are lost in the rapture of pure love.
You build the bridge, unmoved and increasing
To serve Krishna in His divine form.
Krishna with wavy locks, jeweled crown and sweet smile.
Krishna who illuminates the fourteen worlds with the light of His eyes.
You build the bridge to quench the thirst of your devotion.
You build the bridge between us to reinforce my will in life’s desert,
Making me feel overvalued.
You build the bridge to overcome the long delay in my tenuous body,
And to taste the fruit of faith and love.
You build the bridge,
For me to behold Krishna in all names and forms,
For me to see the adorable Lord of mercy and love through your eyes.
Let me build bridges with you and to one day become your reflection:
Madly wealthy with the infinite treasure of your all-embracing love.
Dear Srila Gurudeva,
You are the only one who can fill my heart with divine virtues and who will accompany me across the bridge in the boundless stormy ocean.
You build a bridge with no end that all must come to.
I Trust you with my life,
Let me serve you eternally
Keep me near, at every moment.
Your servant, Sundari-Priya dasi