
From Shanti Parayana das and Rasamayi dasi

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to You on this 74th anniversary of your appearance.
As the majority of our association is through the “media” we would like to express our gratitude for your Vrindavana classes.
It is so valuable to tune into your Friday classes for many reasons.
To spend a regular time hearing your profound presentation of shastric study on forever enthralling topics.
To marvel at the sweet results of your patient and exhaustive research culminating with the most palatable essence.
To become educated on the endless subtleties of pure Vaishnava culture.
To deepen our awareness of the unlimited intricacies of the Personality of Godhead.Tha
k you Srila Gurudeva for your commitment to following the previous Acharyas without deviation.
Thank you for investing so much of your precious time in this literary pursuit.
Happy Birthday Srila Gurudeva. We wish you the best of health that we can relish your precious association for many years to come.
Your servants Shanti Parayana das and Rasamayi dasi