
From Prema-mayi Radha Dasi – New Zealand, Auckland

Hare Krishna Srila Gurudeva! Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada, and all glories to you!
Dear Gurudeva, on the most auspicious occasion of your appearance, we are thinking of you with all our hearts here in Auckland, New Zealand.
I must start by saying that I love you very much, as a daughter would their father, and I miss you more than I can describe.
You are the light in my destructed life. You have given more than I can know to myself and my family. You have given us everything. Therefore, we owe everything to you Srila Gurudeva. Thank you.
I remember long ago, in 2017 I met you for the first time. This was at your Vyasa Puja in Australia at the Sacred Sound Retreat.
I was quite new to the movement, and didn’t even know what a Vyasa Puja was! Some devotees ushered me towards you, as you were handing out biscuits. I went to grab one, but you didn’t see me. I was quite shy, and so I turned to go. But then you noticed me and handed me a sweet. I caught your eye for a moment, and burst into tears. This was so strange! But now I start to realise how much mercy you bestowed onto me with just a glance. 7 Years have now passed, and I am the luckiest Soul on earth, because, as fallen as I am, you have allowed me to try, to try to be a servant at your lotus feet.
My heart longs to be with you Srila Gurudeva. And I pray that you have a splendid Vyasa Puja ceremony, that you are in good health, and that you enjoy, accept my homage.
Thank you Srila Gurudeva.
Love from, Prema-mayi Radha Dasi