
From Caitanya Bhav Das – Australia, Melbourne

Other side of Srila Narottam Das Thakura
Srila Gurudev I have still remembered that day
When I heard from you about Tamal Krishna maharaj
And you were sharing how TKG shared vraj pastimes with you in a room,
Jokingly you told you were dosing
But, What I have been seeing now, doesn’t allow me to trust it.
The few lectures shared by TKG maharaj have been expanded by you into a long YT list.
All this came into my life when I was living in the spiritually deserted western city,
Cities full of car, truck and online stream, seeing few people on streets
I thought the west is more advance materially with big buildings, beaches, industries and
Yes, it is
But so many unheard screams of suffering beings,
without Krishna’s conscious they are sinking.
Felt Srila Prabhupada struggles while living with workaholics people minutely,
Smell like wine, beer, vomit and urine as Srila Prabhupada felt on Bowery.
I was too screaming aloud,
cow a cow who about to get slaughter,
But I know who will hear me,
I was Dancing alone in front my Srila Prabhupada deity
and COvid drama hit the cities
Longing increased so much that I cry profusely. (Sorry for getting emotional)
Hey Govind dev please hear me, take me back to you or Guru ji
The day I saw you online, felt that my prayers were answered so quickly.
I was so happy seeing you. Please G
urudev let me share what you have been giving me from 2020
Till present.
We all were in a different place from Amazon to Kiwi or from Siberia to Africa,
Though we were in different longitudes and latitudes,
“ to be strong and follow me”,
Your personal message Have changed our attitudes
Being in the pool of 3 modes, with your sound vibration, I was sinking in spiritual ocean,
First, You took us to char dham, starting from Kasdramanth to Rameswaram,But I want to tell you that
in this series the lecture on Jagannath is the best lecture I have ever heard.
As not satisfied with char dham, you took us to Dwarka and Hastinapura and then to Kurushetra,
You shared the emotions and vippralamba feelings of Srimati Radharani, which I never heard of ,
While seeing Krishna getting lost on the Kurukshetra horizon, I felt similar to you as the lecture was
I was jolted by the intensity and your way of reciting it.
Instead of feeling relief, I was missing you so much. Grief increased so much. Feeling heavy on the
chest ,
I asked Krishna is this your medicine by my Guru or psychedelic pill,
In that feeling, I was reading DTP and wrote my VP2021 offering.
Then you brought us into the realm of Vrindavan,
FIRST, you took us to major 12 forest, then to Goverdhan,
I was just following you and feeling you so close but same time far away,
You were in ecstasy in giving the lecture was like Thakur Mahasaya,
Then you took to sub forest and sub, sub forest,
I could not comprehend and stopped for a while,
TO feel and realise,
Meanwhile, I wrote to you toward me to the writing service,
(Writing the glories of Holy Name)
I didn’t stop it but have paused for a while,
To learn a few things for making by service better
I am starting again from this Kartik
Then you took me to my favourite acharya ,
Srila Narottam Das , the rasik and gostha nandi acharya,
Like Srila Prabhhupada and You,
I was feeling more close to you, Srila Prabupada and
Our Acharyas than the place I am living and my family life.
On the transcendental journey, unaffected by space and time,
You took us deep in the loving ocean following the Pingalas like Sril Rupa and Sanatnana,
Then, you opened your heart like a human to share your pranadhana,
Sri Govindev in a legendary way
This your lectures of Sri Govind dev ji is best than Netflix
I shared with others,
everyone says please write a book and there should be a movie on it
One thing I realise, whatever happens,
We were through the worst, made it through all the weathers,
Our problems and the pain, pain, but love, should not change
You are my master, and I am yours servant.
If material life hurts, you will make it better,
With you everything works, this will go forever
I always hold you close, you always stay on heart and mind,
So, Gurudev! please believe me,
I will give my fruitive activities and speculation,
Please never leave me
Through your lecture,
After such ecstasy, you asked us to stay in Vrindavan,
And every season you took to Rasa sthalis,
In summer you took, In winter you took, you even took in the most secret meetings of gopis,
Spring and summer were my favoirute
And I was in ecstasy with the monsoon
As a farmer feels relief, an internal happiness by seeing the rain drops touching his farming land,
I felt the same feeling as the nectar from your mouth touch by burning stone’s heart
Thank you Srila Gurudev and I a not finished yet,
Just last things.
The current series of stimulation of Ecstatic Love
Taking me to next level
My sister always calls me to share them (lecture),
I have never seen her so satisfied and happy,
As she is now,
Thank you Srila Gurudev
I don’t know how
To pay you back,
BUt I don’t want to, I don’t want to,
You are not Musk or any business magnet,
You are my Guru, my father, my boatman,
My Jim Thorpe,
My Jhonney Appleseed,
My Sadhya,
My tapa, My japa,
My Jivenera Jivan,
No one pays anything to who is your life,
But I will love you like you, I want to be like you
To serve Srila Gurudev, Parampara, Gaura Nitia as it is,
Then only I can come again with you on the Spiritual Journey
In the Groves, wherever you take me without returning to Melbourne.
Or any latitudes on this creation,
Now I am getting ready to meet you in Kartik.
It can be said that studying overseas is good for applying for jobs around the globe.
Your servant
Caitanya Bhav Das