
from Vraja Mandali dasi – United Arab Emirates, Dubai

Dearest Srila Gurudev,

Please accept my most humble obeisance at your lotus feet !
All Glories to you .. !! All glories to the most auspicious day of your Vyasa Puja !!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupad .. Saviour of the WHOLE world !

“Since one cannot visually experience the presence of the Supersoul, He appears before us as a liberated devotee. Such a spiritual master is none other than Krishna himself.” – Srila Prabhupad

When I look into my heart, I see so much darkness, filth of the anarthas and bad habits that I possess and have carried for lifetimes. I know for sure that there is no way I can even begin to understand Krsna and His infinite glories, definitely not by my own endevours. But this quote of Srila Prabhupad is such a beautiful reminder and so hope giving to me. A pure devotee like yourself, dear Gurudev, has so kindly shown unconditional compassion. You accepted me under the shelter of your very safe lotus feet and beg you to kindly allow me to stay there forever.

Amongst your infinite qualities, the few that I have been meditating on this year are, firstly your attention to detail. You often quote Srila Prabhupad in your lectures saying “love is in the details.” And as we see, you pay attention to every detail, whether in your deity worship, dealings with everyone that ever come in your association, extensive research and meditation you do to share the most nuanced aspects of Krsna consciousness through your life giving lectures. By this we can have a sense of understanding of how deep your love and nishtha for Srila Prabhupad is. No detail is ever missed by you!

In my heart, like in the hearts of many, you, dearest Gurudev are synonymous with Sri Vrindavan Dham. When the news of COVID broke, the whole world was in anxiety, including the devotee community as everyone was fighting their own battles amidst the global chaos. But you as the perfect Acharya, saw the silver lining of being confined, by diving deeper into the ocean of transcendental nectar – Sri Vrindavan Dham and so kindly took us along on that dive. Since you are already a fully realized devotee, you already know the infinite pastimes and glories of Sri Vraja bhumi, but for our benefit you went far and beyond and gave us the ultimate vaccination of Krsna Katha!! You did not simply share the glories of the dham, you also so kindly shared and personified the mood of a true dhamvasi. Cherishing, embracing and even ecstatically crying over various paraphernalia that was gifted to you by sadhus who love you and know you to be a collector of true mercy. There is so much that your lectures give, that words will always fall short to express it all. Without ever having darshan of Srila Prabhpad, his lecture and books are our lifelines because acharyas like yourself, live and personify Prabhupad’s instructions.

Another glorious quality of yours that I wish to etch in my heart and someday truly imbibe in my behaviour is your dealings with EVERYONE. You always teach us through your example how a perfect Vaishnava interacts. The heartfelt offerings, going out of your way to preach without considering your health or convenience and making deep philosophy easily understandable to each person according to their capacity. Like Krsna conscious unicorn stories to kids like Vrishabhanvi. You always find something to appreciate in everyone and everything. Your true love and genuine compassion always permeates through every word and action of yours.

Your infinite glories are impossible to describe by a finite jiva like me, therefore I beg for your mercy and please forgive my shortcomings in trying to glorify you !

As every year and every day of my life, I would like to offer all my insignificant services at your lotus feet. Trying to primarily focus on my stri dharam as instructed by you, by serving my family and keeping Krsna in the center. Also trying to stay focused on my sadhana and tiny attempts at preaching, though I fall and get disconnected multiple times. On such times, I pray to you for mercy, and in the form of your lectures, diaries and posts you ALWAYS help me. I have nothing of true value other than your unconditional mercy and therefore anything that I am able to do is because of its presence.

With my whole being, I would like to fall at your feet and thank you for everything!

Your most worthless servant,
Vraja mandali dasi and whole family.

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