
From Anapayini Radha Dasi – Hungary

Dear Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you.
In today’s world so few people in the world take the chance to connect to the devotees. Even fewer of them become practicing devotees, and furthermore, not everyone will have such a great spiritual master as you are, Srila Gurudeva. Still, it is not easy to make the best out of my fortunate opportunity, as spiritual practices are not effortless every day. When I can be near you or be part of the community of my Godsisters and Godbrothers, everything is so simple, clear cut and natural. But when there is no Polish tour, no Kartik parikrama, you are not visiting Hungary, but solely everyday problems tower over, it is not easy to practice properly at all times. Additionally, nowadays there are lot of changes in my life and living conditions.
Regardless, I am absolutely grateful for the great blessing that I could meet you and have become your disciple. I am trying to grow up to the task so that one day you can be truly satisfied with me.
I remain your eternal servant, no matter the changes in life.
With love,
Anapayini Radha Dasi