
From Gandharvika prema dasi – Hungary

Dearest Srila Gurudeva,
Please accept my most humble obeisances.
All glories to your beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada.
Please let me praise your glories today, on the auspicious day of your appearance on this Earth. “I bow down to the lotus feet of my spiritual master who is a wish-fulfilling tree of divine love for Krishna, the most magnificent benefactor, who initiated me into the valuable jewels of both the gayatri and mahamantras. How can I sufficiently praise his glories?” My dear spiritual father, you are the source of all auspiciousness, kindness, love and divinity. Me as your disciple am one of those rare fortunate souls on this planet, who have the special opportunity to take shelter at the lotus feet of someone, who is a
genuine representative, an ambassador of the Good Lord. If I could really understand my fortune, I would immediately give up all my bad habits, false ego, sinful mentality, selfish attitude and just surrender unto you. But you see, I’m still covered by illusion despite of your efforts to infuse transcendental knowledge into me.
Whenever I examine myself, I must face so many shortcomings and sometimes I lose hope that I will ever be able to please you. But at the time of remembering your merciful attitude, loving heart, your emphatic nature, I gain strength to go on and not give up hope. Because I know you will definitely find a tiny little good quality in me, when you will have to introduce the Lord to me sometime in the distant future, and
you will definitely remember the tiny little service I try to offer to you day by day. Please let me recite one of the prayers that I learnt from you, and that feels very much topical right now.
“I offer my obeisances to my spiritual master, who gave me beautiful kanthi-mala, effulgent tilak, the beautiful form of a devotee and who offered me his shelter. In one of his hands he is holding my hand and with his other hand he is holding the lamp of knowledge, which helps me to cross over the dark ocean of the material world. Surdas says my guru deserves the greatest respect because only he can rescue one in the blinking of an eye. I bow down to him again and again and again.” On this glorious and festive day, I beg you to please never forget about me, because you are the most important person in my life, who gave me the biggest treasure and gift of all, the seed of love of God. Please never give up on me, even if I seem hopeless, because by your side nothing is impossible. I appreciate everything you
keep giving me and one day I will become worthy of your mercy by not letting you out of my sight ever.
Your fallen but grateful servant,
Gandharvika prema dasi